College essay on leadership
8Th Grade Essay Topics
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
McDonaldization of Society Essay
The book of George Ritzer, has taken certain components from Weber’s work and introduced a basic investigation of the effect that is felt by the social auxiliary change on human connection and character. As indicated by the book, Ritzer claims that the cheap food business and its structure is liable for the present authoritative power and this procedure or defense has scattered into the regular daily existences of the people and their cooperation levels. As has been characterized by Ritzer himself: †¦Mcdonaldalization,†¦. is the procedure y which the standards of the drive-through joint are coming to command an ever increasing number of areas of American culture just as the world. (ritzer,1993:1) If one was to see the development of this establishment, the way that it has a great many outlets worldwide and is situated in suburbia, army installations, shopping centers. What's more, even the interstate trades present the degree to which our lives have been taken over by this procedure. It isn't just the cheap food chains which speak to this issue however even different chains, for example, those associated with Toys, Bookstores, papers and kid care among a few others. There have been cases expanding in number-that the more current zones of business skill are utilizing this procedure. Everything is taken care of and oversaw in a manner to control the discernments and attitude of individuals. There have been five prevailing subjects which were illustrated by Ritzer in his book which focus on the possibility of productivity, calculability, consistency, expanded control, and the substitution of human by non-human innovation. The first arrangements with the thought of proficiency and it is essentially interpreted as the utilization of means so as to arrive at an objective or point with minimal measure of time and exertion. The possibility of productivity can be seen by the manner in which the individuals in various business or enterprises see it to be as it can vary for various business structures. This is seen as an advantage and bit of leeway to the client in all regards and structures. The various ways this is accomplished can be seen using the ATM machine, voice message, and drive-up window administrations plate of mixed greens bars and so forth which all oblige diminishing the time required for that business reason. The client probably won't know about this however in this procedure; he really directs different sorts of administrations and pays for them also which were accessible to him before on request. It may appear as a vital assistance yet in all actuality it is only a method of cutting time and expenses for the firm and expanding the expense for the client. It requires learning the utilization of these fresher administrations, and so as to apply and utilize them the client needs to tolerate the additional expenses for these worth included administrations. Another topic which goes over is the real trick and idea of calculability. So as to characterize this idea, the expressions of Ritzer would be put to powerful utilize: â€Å" this includes an accentuation on things that can be determined, checked , measured. Measurement alludes to an inclination to stress amount as opposed to quality. This prompts a feeling that quality is equivalent to certain, for the most part (yet not constantly) enormous amounts of things†. (Ritzer, 1994:142). There are a few models which can be utilized to clarify utilizing amount a portion of the cheap food contributions, for example, the Big Mac, Big Whopper, Wnedy’s Biggie dinners and so forth which all point to the way that quality has been successfully supplanted by amount. Another appropriate zone which goes to the notification of the peruser is the way that efficient assumes a necessary job in this procedure too. There are more current and improved plans which take into consideration the food to be made in a lot shorter time and the microwave food items take into account the need of such time traditionalist people. Another topic which is introduced successfully is consistency. It is concerning the endeavor that is played by the endeavors that are made so as to structure our condition and subsequently, shock can't have any impact on our reasonable nature. The individuals who act reasonably and utilize their rationale will consistently have a high ground as they would be solid and steady ahead of time for any issues and issues that may come their direction. The client of this sort would anticipate a similar taste, quality and prerequisites that he got from one zone item to be applied somewhere else. The case of media outlets can be utilized in such manner as the crowd is made to water motion pictures upon films either with respect to a similar topic, continuations or even arrangement in regards to a similar issue. Consequently, a feeling of consistency has become a noticeable component for our entire lives and we work by it. Regardless of whether it is heading off to the workplace from 9 to 5, going for a type of diversion on the ends of the week we do follow a course which pretty much is chosen and is consequently, unsurprising. Mankind is being regulation by the possibility of consistency and any deviation has become a wellspring of hazard. The other topic which was taken on by the writer of this book was control through the replacement of nonhuman for human innovation. In Ritzer’s own words: â€Å"these two components are firmly connected. In particular, substitution of human by nonhuman frequently arranged towards more noteworthy control. The incredible wellspring of vulnerability and unusualness in a legitimizing framework are individuals â€either the individuals who work inside those frameworks or the individuals who are served by them. †(Ritzer 1994:148) For the human per see, everything is arranged and accomplished for him before hand and he works as an insignificant respectful computerization machine which works as requested by machine with no intuition for his benefit being completed. If one somehow happened to take a gander at the various regions of one’s life, it could be seen that from the kitchen to the lounge room, we all utilize innovation somehow. The machines carry out the responsibilities for us and us being treated as simple handlers of them. According to the case of Ritzer: â€Å"the subsequent stage in this improvement is to have the client do the scanning†Ritzer (1994: 150) This remark plainly demonstrates the way that the people have after some time permitted the machines to overwhelm them for this situation of overseeing and completing the work. The PC and machines have been acknowledged as the estimation rules by which we survey ourselves and our abilities. What is being viewed as an advancement is that the human aptitudes and capacities are as a rule quickly dissolved in the reality of improvement and the people are simply being utilized so as to encourage the procedures of the apparatus. The last subject which was broke down and talked about by the book would be that of the silliness of soundness. This subject taunts the discernment of these frameworks which are a wellspring of the pride of the proprietors of these item organizations. This book speaks to a view that whenever investigated appropriately it could be seen that under these balanced frameworks or supposed there lies an edge of unreasonableness. In Ritzer’s own words: â€Å" most explicitly, silliness implies that discerning frameworks are preposterous frameworks. I imply that they deny their essential humankind, the human asset, of the individuals who work inside are served by them. (Ritzer, 1994:154) All of us have been casualties at various focuses at time when we have needed to stand by very long for the food, staple goods which make us question the reasonability of the way that however more is being paid for the proficient - ness and viability of these frameworks, yet toward the end those very frameworks are being subverted by the quintessence of levelheadedness. We utilize the items and administrations which are planned for furnishing us with better administrations and results just to furnish us with not exactly wanted outcomes. The reliance increments of all on these very frameworks and in actuality, it turns into a simple snare as the people depend intensely on these for their various purposes and points. Be that as it may, this equivalent endless loop makes a far more detestable impact as nature which is sued for the fundamental reasons for breathing is contaminated and influenced in various negative manners. In Ritzer’s book: â€Å"the shared supper is our essential custom for urging the family to assemble each day. On the off chance that it is lost to us, we will need to concoct better approaches to be a family. It merits thinking about whether the common euphoria that food can give merits surrendering. (Visser, 1989:42, in Ritzer, 1994:156). The simple accessibility of readymade dinners and so forth have made things substantially more simpler for the current age and henceforth, various significant components which were available beginning have seen to blur. The world is getting vigorously reliant on synthetic articles and administrations which basically is causing it to lose its own distinction. The above piece of the paper adequately examined the components of the book and the accompanying paper would basically break down these subjects and thoughts. The writer of this book has introduced some very basic perspectives and comprehension of the different topics. The creator presents an understanding that the human qualities are a pointless zone which doesn't require investigation and what really requires consideration are those frameworks which are imperiling the humans’ capacity to think. Through his investigation, Ritzer can apply his standards to a wide scope of wonder which incorporates the monetary and social viewpoints too. What runs over is a disappointment so as to investigate the social measurements and however his examination is a social examination it yet flops in various manners. what is obviously required is a social point of view and so as to add to the standardizing position of Ritzer, certain significant regions, for example, the methodologies of obstruction and basic viewpoints should be centered around also. One of the shortcomings which are inalienable in this book is the way that by speaking to McDonald as the worldview of McDonaldization the genuine advancement is invalidated and sabotaged from multiple points of view. There comes acro
Monday, July 13, 2020
George Saunders on Making Lincoln in the Bardo, His New 166-Voice Audiobook
George Saunders on Making Lincoln in the Bardo, His New 166-Voice Audiobook Lincoln in the Bardo is such a special audiobook, unlike any other I’ve heard. Based on a true story, it takes place over one night when Lincoln visits the cemetery to hold the body of his newly buried 11-year-old son. The audiobook is narrated by 166 voices, including Nick Offerman, David Sedaris, Julianne Moore, Don Cheadle, and many more household names, who all play ghosts. And I love it to bits. No book has ever made me weep (or laugh) so openly. Author George Saunders and executive producer Kelly Gildea kindly talked with me to give Book Riot a behind-the-scenes look at the making of Lincoln in the Bardo. They worked closely together to co-produce the audiobook, which Kelly Gildea directed. Rachel Smalter Hall: I still have about 10 minutes left of the audiobook, because every time I listen to it I just start crying. Its so beautiful. Kelly Gildea: Oh just wait til the end, because Don Cheadle is going to punch you in the heart. Its gorgeous. He was the perfect ending to the book. RSH: So…. why 166 narrators? KG: I ask myself that every day (laughs). George contacted me really early in the process before I had even looked at the book with this fear of Do I have to read this myself? I was surprised because I thought he enjoyed narrating his audiobooks. But when I physically opened the book, I totally got it because its structured kind of like a play, so we agreed to use multiple narrators. Then one day he threw out the idea, Do you think its possible we could ever get one voice for every speaking part in the audio?†When I came up with that number of 166, he backed off and said, Oh, I get that thats probably impossible.†And then we got fixated on the idea and we just ran with it. It helped that we had a lot of volunteers. We added up who was committed to it initially, and then we decided, well, we have 50 more people to find, so lets just do it. At that point, it was like why not go for it? RSH: What was your elevator pitch to get some of the higher profile celebrities on board with this project? KG: George is not a hard sell, thats all I have to say. He and Nick Offerman are pretty close friends, and Nick was the first to jump on board, along with [his wife] Megan Mullally. Then we needed to find our other lead. We knew that David Sedaris is a big audiobook fan and likes Georges work, so we decided to put a shot out in the dark to see if he would do it. We both almost fell off our chairs when he said yes. So we had our three main readers, including George, and then we pitched that team of three to other actors. We reached out to a lot of actors who were fans of his work, and Nick and Megan helped with some of the actors, too. Some people said yes just based on the size of the cast at that point and how exciting the book was. It really wasnt a hard sell. RSH: That’s great that having Nick Offerman attached from the beginning helped with the rest of the casting. At what point did you know that you wanted him to voice Mr. Vollman? George Saunders: Pretty much the moment I turned my mind to the audiobook. He has such a trustworthy, grounded, loveable presence, and I always saw Vollman as sort of “The Scarecrow†of the book. Nick has this wonderfully real and affectionate quality as a person and that comes through beautifully in his performance. We have to like Hans and we have to like Bevins, and both Nick and David have that ineffable “something†in their voices (and selves) that make people lean toward them. RSH: David Sedaris is so well-known and well-loved for his audiobook performances of his humorous essays, but I’m not aware of any fiction that he’s narrated before. KG: He hasnt. He never has. Which he reminded me of many times when he got into the studio (laughs). Hes so good. Hes so good! I think he was actually a little concerned that he didnt have acting chops. He was like, are you sure you want me to do this? And we said, “Yes, absolutely!†And then he actually said, “If you dont think Im good enough, please tell me, because I dont want to sabotage this production.†I told him that it was just one character to inhabit, and if he could find that character’s voice, we’d be fine. And as soon as he started reading, he was perfect. When George listened to it, he said that David was a revelation. RSH: Ms. Gildea, you would send emails sometimes after a particularly great performance to say “tears in my eyes†or “I’m feeling chills.†What were some of those performances that gave you both chills? KG: I feel like I wrote that after every recording (laughs). Absolutely after Nick and David because we had spent a day with each of them and theyre so pivotal to the book. The man who plays Willie Lincoln, Kirby Heyborne, is a very seasoned narrator and a friend of mine, and I kind of saved that role for him. I think hes perfect. GS: There were so many wonderful performances that I hesitate to say. Nick and David were extraordinary. Soulful and funny. What was really beautiful was to hear all of these talented people be open to the “reading moment,†i.e., that combination of what was on the page and what was within oneself, just then. I’m familiar with the writing version of that moment â€" where you take stock of what has come before and just…leap. So it was strange to hear, over and over, the aural version of that being enacted. Somebody would say a line and it would be…perfect. For reasons I couldn’t quite explain. Sometimes, the voice I heard was essentially the voice I’d had in my head back when I wrote the passage, as with Keegan Michael-Key, Bill Hader, and Megan Mullally. Other times, the voice was different than the one I’d had in mind, but would be doing more work. Ben Stiller’s Jack Manders is smarter and more loveable than the voice I’d imagined, and because he sort of whispered it as he did it, it evoked the whole scene: the silent graveyard late at night, Manders in his little shed. RSH: Did you go into it having certain actors in mind for certain roles? KG: Yes, absolutely. It’s interesting, George really, really wanted Jeff Tweedy to voice Captain William Prince, which is a very big, very emotional role, and I kept saying, “Are you sure you dont want to give that to an actor?†Not to take anything away from Jeff, but I thought he might want something smaller because hes not an actor. And George said, No, I absolutely want him to do this. And I was blown away! He did it so differently than I would have thought, and I love what he did. He was wonderful. The role that Ben Stiller does is so cool and so different from anything else in the book, and its really hard vocally. He has such a rhythm that was so hard to nail down, but he did it. I mean, hes just perfect in that role. RSH: The Reverend has such a haunting, unforgettable role. Mr. Saunders, why did you choose him as the character you wanted to voice? GS: Kelly chose that. Well….she enforced that. She made me, in other words. Once I saw what a great cast we were getting, I was lobbying to have a real actor do The Reverend. But Kelly felt â€" and she was perceptive in this, as she is perceptive in all things â€" that The Reverend is as close as we get to a narrator in this thing. So she felt it made sense for me to do it. RSH: Could you tell us a little about a few of your family and friends who are cast? GS: There was this moment where we realized that, as lucky as we were getting with booking actors and voice professionals, 166 is a lot of voices. So I asked my wife, Paula, if she’d do it, and then my daughters…and it kind of picked up speed from there. So my parents and sisters are on there, my brother- and sister-in-law and their kids, dear friends from college and high school and even grade school, and two teachers who saved my life by getting me into college. My agent is on there and people from Penguin Random House. It’s so nice, so moving, to hear these beloved voices suddenly come up in the middle of a scene. RSH: Nick Offerman and David Sedaris had such great chemistry, and Bill Hader and Megan Mullally were also fantastic as Eddie and Betsy Baron. Did any of the actors do studio time together, or were those all individual recording sessions? KG: No, those were all individual recording sessions! It was just logistically impossible to record together. That’s why it was so important for me to be there for every session. If I couldnt be there in person, I needed to Skype in. It’s challenging when people are playing off each other, I have to remember how Nick read that line so David can respond. RSH: We have to talk about the music and the soundscape. The book takes place in two different realms, and in the audiobook the scene is set for each realm with its own signature “sound,†which I loved. How did that come to be? KG: George and I talked initially about wanting to differentiate the bardo from the historical sections with sound effects. When I talked to Ted Scott, who edited the book, he was like, “Let me play around with it.†We talked about wanting the bardo to be the sound of wind and night, but I never thought about adding something to the historical sections. When I was done recording and started listening to the program put together, Ted said, Im going to give you what Ive done and see what you think.†And he had added the fiddles and some of the music over the historical sections and I LOVED it. That was totally his idea, and it was incredible. RSH: Do you think this project would have gotten made 5 years ago, or is it only possible because of all the recent growth in the audiobook industry? KG: Wow, thats a really good question. Probably not. I think it helps that audio is a booming business and that people are more into it as time goes on. But looking back I honestly dont know how else I would have done this. This was a lot of work and scheduling and logistics, but I feel like so much of what this book is saying is that everyone has a story and everyone has a voice. The fact that we literally gave everyone a voice is meaningful to me. I dont know how else to do it in retrospect. But yes, I think it helps that we anticipated a lot of people would want to listen to it. And I hope that a lot of people will! RSH: A lot of die-hard print readers might miss out on this incredible audiobook. Mr. Saunders, what would you say to them to convince them to try it? GS: It really is a different artistic experience. I found myself having more time to imagine the backstories of the ghost’s narratives…to imagine the towns and houses where they lived and so on. I felt them more as individual people, and that was simply because of the voices and the performative quality of the readings. I also found myself “noticing†things in the text that I hadn’t, until I heard the lines delivered. So maybe I’d say that a character, read by you, is a different beast from a character, speaking to you â€" and there was something deeply pleasurable in that. I also think there’s something beautiful (and maybe even apropos to our political moment) about hearing this cacophony of American voices, from every region and ethnicity and so on, coming together to tell this story, which I always understood as a version of the formation myth: a crossroads moment for Lincoln and therefore the country. Lincoln in the Bardo is available wherever audiobooks are sold as of February 14, 2017. Sign up for Audiobooks to receive the latest from the audiobooks world. Thank you for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Visual Rhetoric in Persepolis - 1006 Words
Nils Tangemann Josh Holland English A SL C-Code Section: Part 3 Works read: Satrapi, Marjane. Persepolis. Pantheon. New York. 2003 Question: How and why is a social group represented in a particular way? The Display of Revolutionists in Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis In Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis there are several important social groups that all play a role towards creating the whole picture that describes little Marji’s everyday life in 1970s Iran. The nature of the revolution during that time created a huge divide between the different social groups. This was dominated by different opinions that were expressed using violence, intimidation and other mental and physical threatening methods. Satrapi uses visual representation and†¦show more content†¦Similarly, in Marji’s description the army uses techniques that clearly aim for the less educated and poor people to join the military. A plastic key on a chain is distributed to the less educated in order to convince them that they will go to heaven if they fight for their country. Satrapi uses the dialogue between her mother and their housekeeper to indicate how upset the upper social class us about the strategy that the government uses to persuade the innocent youth of Iran (Satrapi 99). The government clearly aims for the young adults that do not have much of a choice other than joining the army and dying at a young age. On top of that, they are also naà ¯ve enough to believe that the key will bring them to heaven. Mrs. Nasrine tells the story of how her son is being convinced to go to the army (Satrapi 100). The family helps to convince Mrs. Nasrine’s son that the government is spreading lies (Satrapi 101). Marji’s mother is debunking the myths of the government in front of everyone’s eyes. The author uses this technique to express her own, negative opinion for the government and the manner in which they treat the young adults and not caring about their lives. In conclusion, certain techniques of visual rhetoric and plot devices can be detected in the novel and are utilized to express the personal opinion of the author whilst displaying the revolutionary government as incompetent and unqualified. The followers ofShow MoreRelatedHow and Why Is a Social Group Represented in a Particular Way? Persepolis1442 Words  | 6 Pagesin Iran. * Give and explain evidence of how the author presents that different social groups were marginalized/silenced. * Show how Marji and her parents shared the same beliefs when making reference to the regime.  The graphic novel Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi, explores her childhood years in the middle of the Islamic Revolution. Situated in the commotion of the overthrowing of the Shahs regime, and the war with Iraq, the reader learns how secularists, nationalists and even MuslimsRead MoreHow and Why Is a Social Group Represented in a Particular Way? Persepolis1429 Words  | 6 PagesRevolution in Iran. * Give and explain evidence of how the author presents that different social groups were marginalized/silenced. * Show how Marji and her parents shared the same beliefs when making reference to the regime.  The graphic novel Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi, explores her childhood years in the middle of the Islamic Revolution. Situated in the commotion of the overthrowing of the Shahs regime, and the war with Iraq, the reader learns how secularists, nationalists and even MuslimsRead MoreCultural Imperialism And Iranian Art2292 Words  | 10 Pagesdone in such a way that it s not aggressive or overly didactic. I m trying to find that form. (Neshat,2016) However, before I do any of this I must first define a few terms that will be essential throughout this analysis. Coming from a critical rhetoric background, I will apply some terms and theories from various scholars in that field as well to give a better understanding of the material being studied. David R. Croteau discusses hegemony in detail in chapter five of Media/Society: IndustriesRead MoreAn Evaluation Of Iranian Artist And The Role2283 Words  | 10 Pagesbe done in such a way that it s not aggressive or overly didactic. I m trying to find that form. (Neshat) . However, before I do any of this I must first define a few terms that will be essential throughout this analysis. Coming from a critical rhetoric background, I will apply some terms and theories from various scholars in that field as well to give a better understanding of the material being studied. David R. Croteau discusses hegemony in detail in chapter five of Media/Society: IndustriesRead MoreHow Art Is Affected By Hegemony And Vice Versa2218 Words  | 9 Pagesrun by patriarchal governments. And how that affects the message and or the ability for women to be artistic. However, before I do any of this I must first define a few terms that will be essential throughout this analysis. Coming from a critical rhetoric background, I will apply some terms and theories from various scholars in that field as well to give a better understanding of the material being studied. David R. Croteau discusses hegemony in detail in chapter five of Media/Society: Industries
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Who Else Wants to Learn About Hr Essay Samples?
Who Else Wants to Learn About Hr Essay Samples? But What About Hr Essay Samples? If you have a look in the sample's career objective you will see that the candidate provides some crucial information from the get-go. The definition states about the way the individual goes through and persist some obstacles they may encounter as a way to find the success they need to attain or achieve. On the flip side, It is a perception of someone that drives them to satisfy their requirements. A youthful person has the ability to act distinctively outside her or his companion bunch than inside it. Facts, Fiction and Hr Essay Samples Rather than focusing on the creation of the entire product at the same time, the scientific management employs the notion that one person should work on a single component of the manufacturing or project at the same time. You may use the samples as a foundation for working out how to write in the appropriate style. My very best holiday was a visit to singapore t wo decades ago. Because most projects are allocated for a specific quantity of resources, it's essential that the project stays within that allocated amount. If you are searching for assistance with your essay then we provide a comprehensive writing service offered by fully qualified academics in your area of study. When you are requested to compose an essay, attempt to locate some samples (models) of similar writing and learn how to observe the craft of the writer. You must find the proper resources for your essay together with patience when finding the correct inspiration to write. If you're to really gain from model essays, you will need to understand how to read the techniques of the writer'. It's called short essay in the feeling that the manner a certain topic is presented is congested but still focuses on the purpose of making the audience understand the entire point of the essay. The author starts with a rather comprehensive story of an event or description of an indiv idual or place. Lies You've Been Told About Hr Essay Samples Moreover, employers should be certain that the interview procedure is structured and consistently applied. HR certifications are getting to be increasingly vital in the business. Moreover, in the majority of situations, you're asked to compose reports that offers solutions to a specific HR issue faced by an organization. This procedure comprises few crucial forms of activity. Essays, generally, covers different topics. Stephen's essay is quite effective. All you have to do is specify if you want your essay to be delivered. When you compose a brief essay, you must remember that there aren't any elements to be sacrificed. All essays will have a particular topic that's either one you choose or one which is provided for you. The most important portion of a brief essay is known as the body. Your life story can likewise be regarded as a terrific topic in writing your private essay. It is better to read through several narrative essay examples in order to get the one which best matches the format that you're writing your essay in. Facts, Fiction and Hr Essay Samples Writing of graduate essays is merely one of the services which we provide to people who want quality scholarships. Our exhaustive database of essays can supply you with the ideal examples you have been on the lookout for. Interviews might also be computer-administered. More frequently than not, deadlines for submitting applications are almost always short which makes many possible applicants worry they will be unable to to submit their sample essay for MBA application in time. Key Pieces of Hr Essay Samples The costs with respect to hard HRM model aren't always that low. In conclusion, it appears that assignment essays continue to ge t a prominent part in tertiary education as an assessment tool. It's very useful to take writing apart so as to see just the way that it accomplishes its objectives. The distinction points of both models of HRM in the range of discourse and the total conception involve a whole lot of essential places. As HR, you're the very first impression of the company for potential employees, therefore it's important to emphasize good communication abilities. Hence the HR strategy ought to be a derivative of the entire organization strategy and aligned with it, it's an essential part of the company strategy. Your selection of format in writing your HR resume will be based on what role you intend to apply for. You don't just enumerate all the skills you believe you have. A HR employer doesn't care you have five decades of experience as a ballet dancer. Thus, the essay is supposed to coincide with the applicant's qualities and interests in order for it to boost the possibility of admissi on. It is very important to capture the interest of the admission tutors irrespective of how strict they may appear to be. Students are below a lot of pressure as soon as an exam is around the corner, and they lack enough understanding of the subject of study. If one paragraph appears to be weak, then the total level of your essay will be lacking. Short essays are important when one is hoping to present an important topic without needing to compose a great deal of words or using a number of pages. Reviewing some narrative essay examples will be able to help you to organize your information and help you decide how to compose each paragraph to acquire the best outcomes. Make certain to include transitions from 1 paragraph to the next.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Personality Essays (1356 words) - Behaviorism, Behaviour Therapy
Personality Psychology covers a vast field, and one interesting aspect of it is personality. Personality by itself involves various issues. Some of which basic aspects are Psychoanalytic, Ego, Biological, Behaviorist, Cognitive, Trait, Humanistic and Interactionist. Though personality as a subject fascinates me a lot, what interests me the most in this subject is behaviorism. For me different types of behaviors are amazing to learn about, mainly the behavior therapy, collective behavior, crime and punishment, and Social behavior and peer acceptance in children. I chose Behaviorism over the other aspects because I believe Behavior determines human personality and is very interesting. You can tell what one is by his behavior, and one behaves according to what place he has in society. By doing this paper on Behavior, I hope to get a better understanding of, if behavior develops a personality or if personality guides behavior. I also see behaviorism helping me in the future with my personal and professional career by understanding human personality and behaviour better than I do. No matter what your major is, if you can determine one`s personality by his behavior you can really get your work done from that person and understand the better than you would otherwise. This person could be your employee or your employer. Behavior Therapy Behavior therapy is the application of experimentally derived principles of learning to the treatment of psychological disorders. The concept derives primarily from work of Russian psychologist Ivan Pavlov. Behavior-therapy techniques differ from psychiatric methods, particularly psychoanalysis, in that they are predominately symptom (behaviour) oriented and show little or no concern for unconscious processes, achieving new insight, or effecting fundamental personality change. Behavior therapy was popularized by the U.S. psychologist B.F. Skinner, who worked with mental patients in a Massachusetts state hospital. From his work in animal learning, Skinner found that the establishment and extinction of responses can be determined by the way reinforcers, or rewards, are given. The pattern of reward giving, both in time and frequency, is known as a schedule of reinforcement. The gradual change in behavior in approximation of the desired result is known as shaping. More recent developments in behavior therapy emphasize the adaptive nature of cognitive processes. Behaviour-therapy techniques have been applied with some success to such disturbances as enuresis (bed-wetting), tics, phobias, stuttering, obsessive-compulsive behavior, drug addiction, neurotic behaviours of normal persons, and some psychotic conditions. It has also been used in training the mentally retarded. Collective Behavior Much of collective behaviour is dramatic, unpredictable and frightening, so the early theories and many contemporary popular views are more evaluative than analytic. The French social psychologist Gustave Le Bon identified the crowd and revolutionary movements with the excesses of the French Revolution; the U.S. psychologist Boris Sidis was impressed with the resemblance of crowd behavior to mental disorder. Many of these early theories depicted collective behaviour returned to an earlier stage of development. Freud retained this emphasis in viewing crowd behaviour and many other forms of collective behaviour as regressions to an earlier stage of childhood development; he explained, for example, the slavish identification that followers have for leaders on the basis of such regression. More sophisticated recent efforts to treat collective behavior as a pathological manifestation employ social disorganization as an explanatory approach. From this point of view collective behavior erupts as an unpleasant symptom of frustration and malaise stemming from cultural conflict, organizational failure, and other social malfunctions. The distinctive feature of this approach is a reluctance to take seriously the manifest contest of collective behaviour. Neither the search for enjoyment in recreational fad, the search for spiritual meaning on a religious sect, nor the demand for equal opportunity in an interest-group movement is accepted to face value. An opposite evaluation of many forms of collective behaviour has become part of the analytic perspective in revolutionary approaches to society. From the revolutionists point of view a much collective behavior is a release of creative impulses from the repressive effects of establish social orders. Revolutionary theorists such as Frantz Fanon depict traditional social arrangements as destructive of human spontaneity, and various forms of crowd and revolutionary movements as mans creative self-assertion bursting its social shackles. (MSN behaviorism Search/types of behaviors.) Crime and Punishment Psychologists have approached the task of explaining delinquent behavior by examining in particular the processes by which behaviour and restraints on behaviour are learned. (MSN behaviorism Search/crime and punishment) Criminality is seen to result from the failure of the superego, as a consequence either of its incompletes development or of unusually strong instinctual drives. The empirical basis for such a theory is necessarily thin. Behaviour theory views all behaviour
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Free Essays on Same Sex Relationships
Sexual Orientation in Today’s Society In Today’s spciety, we can brag about our sexual orientation. There are many role models today who are centerpieces for the gay community. These leaders helped get homosexual people to the level that they are on today. â€Å"Taboo†was the word that was used for any discussion on this matter. Thirty years ago, it was unheard of to have a gay character on television, or in politics or even as your co-worker. Now within the last fifteen to twenty years. People have accepted homosexuals even more due to the understanding and severity of the AIDS virus. When the AIDS virus was discovered in 1981, people labeled it as â€Å"Gay Man’s Disease†. This is not the case. True, gay men are a percentage of the growing population of america’s AIDS patients. But included in it are drug users and unfortunate blood transfusions. In this paper, I will elaborate on the many theories why people are homosexual and the predjus ies that they endure. A main idea for the reason why people are gay is the Nurture vs Nature theory. It is one of the ways of thinking that have been thrown up in the air for a while. It tries to prove that since birth that there has been a growing chemical inbalance in the person growing up in society. This of course is not a fashionable notion today. The overwhelming message of the popular culture, which a thousand films and ten thousand love songs drill into us, is that to find a full life we must seek adventure, drink the cup of passion, follow our heart. "Loving you can't be wrong," the voice croons, "because it feels so right." They want to believe this. They may even get a vicarious thrill from watching it work out happily ever after on the silver screen. But in their better moments, they know otherwise. They know, even without Scripture to tell us, that "the heart is devious above all else" (Jer 17:9), that positive experiences and strong desires can never legitimize immoral ity. They k... Free Essays on Same Sex Relationships Free Essays on Same Sex Relationships Sexual Orientation in Today’s Society In Today’s spciety, we can brag about our sexual orientation. There are many role models today who are centerpieces for the gay community. These leaders helped get homosexual people to the level that they are on today. â€Å"Taboo†was the word that was used for any discussion on this matter. Thirty years ago, it was unheard of to have a gay character on television, or in politics or even as your co-worker. Now within the last fifteen to twenty years. People have accepted homosexuals even more due to the understanding and severity of the AIDS virus. When the AIDS virus was discovered in 1981, people labeled it as â€Å"Gay Man’s Disease†. This is not the case. True, gay men are a percentage of the growing population of america’s AIDS patients. But included in it are drug users and unfortunate blood transfusions. In this paper, I will elaborate on the many theories why people are homosexual and the predjus ies that they endure. A main idea for the reason why people are gay is the Nurture vs Nature theory. It is one of the ways of thinking that have been thrown up in the air for a while. It tries to prove that since birth that there has been a growing chemical inbalance in the person growing up in society. This of course is not a fashionable notion today. The overwhelming message of the popular culture, which a thousand films and ten thousand love songs drill into us, is that to find a full life we must seek adventure, drink the cup of passion, follow our heart. "Loving you can't be wrong," the voice croons, "because it feels so right." They want to believe this. They may even get a vicarious thrill from watching it work out happily ever after on the silver screen. But in their better moments, they know otherwise. They know, even without Scripture to tell us, that "the heart is devious above all else" (Jer 17:9), that positive experiences and strong desires can never legitimize immoral ity. They k...
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