Thursday, October 31, 2019

Operation and Logistics Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Operation and Logistics Management - Essay Example Hence, it brings value to the firms, in the form of profits by raising its productivity and the ratio of inputs to outputs (p.3); and to customers in improving the quality of products (Klassen 2005, p.1). As a transformation process, OM evolved from the production systems used during the Industrial Revolution known as craft production where highly-skilled artisans individually manufacture goods using simple tools to produce high-quality customised products (Finch 2004, p.7). During these times however, process management was not considered as an integral concept within production, such that individual workers were given free reign on their crafts, resulting to a slow and costly production process lacking uniform standards necessary for effective and efficient operations (Stevenson 2005, p.19). It was not until Taylor’s introduction of scientific management, that processes were given attention in business operations (p.19). Adopting Taylor’s proposal that there is â€Å"one best way† to accomplish tasks workers must follow, Ford developed the â€Å"assembly line† in manufacturing his T-Model, which introduced mass production and the concept of interchangeable parts, revolutionising the automotive industry and generating tremendous cost and time savings (Finch 2004, p.8). As Ford describes it, this new manufacturing process is â€Å"constrained only by the capabilities of the workforce and existing technology† (Chase, Aquilano & Jacobs 2006, p.16). While Ford’s production processes increased productivity and efficiency, it resulted to quality deficiencies, especially when compared to Japanese products that were superior to their US counterparts. This spawned the â€Å"quality revolution†, shifting OM to focus on designing production processes that improved quality, just as much as productivity and cost-efficiency (Stevenson 2005, p.21). Apart from the growing importance of production

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Biblical World View Essay Example for Free

Biblical World View Essay Genesis chapters 1-11 depicts four great events that explains the creation of the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. The creation and the fall of man. It explains how sin enters into human nature and man loses his relationship with the creator. It tells how God judges man because of sin, although sending a great flood to destroy His creation, He preserves a remnant because of His compassion for what He had created. In this essay I will explain my worldview on how these events have impacted the natural world, human identity, human relationships and civilization. Chapter one of Genesis tells us that the earth and all that is in it exist because God said â€Å"let there be†¦. † The earth, the sun, the moon, the stars, the fish in the ocean, the animals on the land, the birds in the air, even down to the creepy crawling things God said â€Å"let there be†. Then it tells us that God created man in His own image and gave him also a help mate and gave them dominion over all that He had created. The author tells us that God did all this in six days, and on the seventh day He rested and reviewed all His work and declared it to be good! As I look around and notice all the trees, the flowers, beaches, oceans, watch a sunset or the rising of a full moon, all the things nature has to offer, I must agree with God that it is good. In fact, as I look around me the explanation given in Genesis chapter one is the only one that makes sense. The Holy Spirit within me confirms this explanation. The author says that God made man in His own image. That means I am somewhat intelligent and a big bang theory or theory of evolution insults the intelligence that God has ingrained in me as a part of Himself. God has given us so much of Himself and we have allowed the enemy(satin) to deceive us to the point we are lost even with the specific instruction manual that God has given us. Chapter three of Genesis tells the fall of man from the grace of God because he was deceived by the serpent(satin) who knew that God had created man in His likeness and that meant he had free will to make choices and decisions. They were deceived by the twisting of God’s words and straight out bold face lies. They got played like monopoly with false dreams and hopes being tempted by the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life. The same way we are tempted to this day. God gave Adam and Eve specific instructions when He placed them in the garden, â€Å"do not touch the tree in the middle of the garden lest you die†. The serpent twists God’s words and tells them â€Å"you will not surely die, but become like Him†. He shows them how beautiful the fruit was (probably a big red juicy Georgia peach just ripe for the picking)lust of the eyes, he tells them how the fruit of the tree will make them wise(you want to be like God don’t you? )lust of the flesh, He does not want you to be like Him the pride of life. As I look at my own life everything that has kept me out of the will of God has been centered on this method of temptation. If it looked good I wanted it(lust of the eyes), if it felt good I did it(lust of the flesh), and there was nobody who could tell me I could not have it(pride of life). It is this very nature of sin that makes us not want to be told what we can and cannot do. It has been man’s downfall since the Garden of Eden. God confronts Adam and Eve about this choice of disobedience and they played the blame game because now they were wise and they knew what guilt and shame felt like. Adam blames the woman who You gave to be with me(ultimately he was blaming God), Eve blames the serpent for deceiving her. Whenever trouble arises everyone always looks for someone else to blame. It causes people to lose their jobs. It causes marriages and families to breakup. Wars are started and people even lose their lives playing the blame game. The same guilt, shame and fear that Adam and Eve experienced in the Garden of Eden has been passed down to every generation since. God dealt harshly with Adam and Eve casting them from the garden and imposing punishment on them and their descendants indefinitely. Because that sin would be passed down through their offspring man progressively became more and more sinful to the point Genesis 6:5 says Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. It goes on in verse 6 to say that The LORD was sorry that He had made man. He then made a decision to destroy His creation. But there was one that had found favor with God. Gen. 6:9 says Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his time; Noah walked with God. God has great compassion for His creation, in fact John 3:16 says for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son. God spared Noah and his family to preserve the creation that He loved. After the flood God blessed Noah and said be fruitful and replenish the earth. He made a covenant with Noah that never again would He send the floods to destroy the earth. But in preserving Noah He also preserved the sin nature that had been passed down from Adam and Eve. God knows this and He puts stumbling blocks in our paths to slow us down as did He to the people of Babel confusing their languages and scattering them over the earth so that they could not be so quick to conspire together against the will of God. Genesis 1-11 teaches us who we are, how we came to be and whose we are. It teaches us who God is and what He expects from us. Micah 6:8 says, He has told you O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God. It also teaches us who the real enemy is and shows us his intent, the weapons that he uses and the end result. I am convinced in my mind and in my heart that if there were no consequence for sin and we could do what we wanted with no one telling us what we can and cannot do, we would not have atheist in the world. He shows us this in His word and in our hearts. The people want to have a god, but not one who has rules and punishment for disobedience. The lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and the pride of life refuses to let us be completely obedient to a loving God that is just and sovereign.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Analysis Of Contemporary Leadership Theories

Analysis Of Contemporary Leadership Theories Leadership is the ability to help and guide others to achieve their personal best. A good leader achieves this by managing the present station and planning for the future. Throughout history no clear definition has been adopted for leadership but it could be understood as process of influencing personnel toward achieving a common goal While leadership style is the behavior adopted by a leader or manger to direct followers to achieve the ultimate goal as cited by (Farag, McGuinness, Anthony, 2009). There are different leadership styles theories based on behavior like the autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire and bureaucratic leadership. Moreover because of the complex demands on the health organization contemporary leadership theories emerged. Contemporary leadership styles include quantum leadership, charismatic leadership, transactional leadership, transformational leadership, relational leadership, shared leadership and servant leadership. Effective nursing leadership nowadays cr eates healthy work environments that maintain nurses and allow them to deliver best quality care for the patients. Charismatic leadership according to (Roberson Strickland, 2010) is linked to leader with certain qualities such as intellectual and individual inspiration, charm, high self confidence, provide clarity when condition is vague and set needed calculated risky moves. This leader set example and do initial sacrifices. Therefore followers of charismatic leader try always to imitate him/her. This type of leadership influence the followers by logical stimulation about the quality of care provided. Charismatic leader often start by asking followers modern solution to improve them and the situation available as well. The followers experience optimistic effect toward the leader and any task they are dealing with, self assured, extremely motivated to show higher performance. It was noticed that employee were empowered by their charismatic leaders which in process affected their work engagement. Their sense of empowerment made a huge influence and great difference on the outcomes related to thei r tasks. Shared leadership means empowering all staff in decision making and is both practitioner owned and organizationally supported as stated by Scott Caress, 2005. It allow for health care professionals to join their forces and work together to expand multiprofessional care. The design of shared leadership work to answer individual inquires and assist with growth of professional independence. Shared leadership is based on the idea of decentralized style of management that creates an atmosphere of empowerment. The advantages of this style are to offer united responsibility and liability for the employee to be more involved in the course of decision making. This style support staff input, creativity, allow sense of worth, high self-esteem and boost job satisfaction. It utilizes employee skills to enhance delivery of excellent care, create the most suitable culture to reflect on the practice. On the other hand reports show mixed results as to offer any clue about the efficiency of this styl e. To apply it effectively this means to change all the structure, relationship, decisions on every level of the organization as much as possible to make it useful for everyone involved. This is the reason why it creates a great challenge to execute. It requires massive dedication and cautious preparation. The ends results will definitely show it deserve the great effort put into action. Servant leadership is the foundation where a leader get the desire to serve others and along the process to lead as described by Neil, Hayward Peterson, 2007. The leader in this style represents foresight, attentiveness, accountability, influence; listen thoughtfully to ideas and loyalty to staff members. The leader always provides ready professional assist for the staff and realizes the significance of staff contribution to the development of care. The incorporation of servant leadership ideals by putting into practice has less directing role and more with serving the needs of others and by use of shared power. Barriers to this style are lack of awareness and power struggles. There is a great connection how health care workers treat each other and how it affects customer care service eventually. As Garber, Madigan, ClickFitzpatrick, 2009 affirmed servant leadership style has more significance in complex healthcare today because of dynamic work setting and various teamwork relationsh ips. Moreover this style suggests from the name inherent servant nature thats why it is liked by nurses. The application of servant leadership has been shown in last 3 decades but unfortunately still further studies need to implemented to examine the effect of leadership on both health workers and patient as well. Another modern leadership styles include quantum leadership and relational leadership as Sullivan Decker 2009 reveals that relational leadership could be referred to as connective leadership and leader should have the skill to generate a relationship between care giving settings and various personal needs. Nurse Managers could make use of this style when dealing with a great group of administrations, doctors, nurses or any other heath care worker to prepare a new advanced patient care program .this style necessitate high process skills and content expertise. The leader will keep social communication, calm, classify and distribute roles, tasks, provide contribution and celebrate accomplishments at right time. A different leadership style is quantum leadership and as mentioned by Sullivan Decker (2009) it developed from chaos theory. This leader needs to think outside the box and have a look on the bigger picture at the end. As times revolutionize the role adjust to it. The leader fa ces various challenges from the ever changing practice. It is worth to mention in the past powerful information were not available to all involved staff but now everyone can share delivery of excellent patient care if they have needed skills. Last two important contemporary theories that are used internationally through most of health care management are transactional leadership and transformational leadership. As cited by Ford, (2009) in his study that transactional leader act on main social exchange. The leader works on established framework. Demands clarity on task to accomplish, utilizes incentives as required but when the ideal outcome not sustained uses the appropriate authority to interfere. There is continuity in the process of exchange between the leader and the followers. This process continues between involved personnel applying this style till no longer applicable or desirable. The leader main goal is to preserve balance and status by always act and refer to the organizational policies and procedure. This leader realizes the importance of personal reward to attract followers to put their greatest effort on the tasks but at the same time customizing regular known practice. The other equally important style is the transformational leadership which the majority of latest studies evaluated the success of its application. It is necessary to say that this style achieve past what transactional does. As Dierckx, Casterle, Williams, Verschuren Milisen (2008) refer to Transformational leadership means to empower followers to reach the best professional and personal development. This style is best adhere by hospital and nursing environments. This style aim to influence the followers by nurturing their desires and ideas, therefore followers will try to achieve higher than their expectations. Transformational leadership style base on the fact that not to be influenced by status of person but what the person can bring to the organization as a dramatic revolution. It was clearly documented the constructive effect of this style on the fulfillment of staff and their improved performance. In addition it results in patients satisfaction. According to Graham Jack (2008 ) reveal that transformational style is a process of searching insight of oneself to reach a state where a certain practice should change. The leader has the ability to change a situation with tension to a creative learning experience for everyone involved. Moreover this leader has all the potentials to break the ordinary limits and general restraints associated with other types of leadership styles. In 2008 a study done by Nielsen, Randall, YarkerBrenner conclude to same result and found that adopting this style enhance psychological well- being of the followers. As the leader raise awareness to the shared goal and the follower will think of the interest of the group rather his/her self only. The leader achieve this by forming inspirational motivation to followers by originating an attractive idea .furthermore the leader acts as a role model by using skills of charm ,persuasion and definitely as a mentor. It is noticed strong evidence for causal relationships between work character istics and employee health and well-being; work characteristics that could be greatly influenced by leaders. Several aspects of transformational leadership behavior may be associated with followers perceptions of their opportunities to develop. Transformational leaders are often described as constructing organizational framework that allow followers to train and develop their own cognitive abilities, and to become more capable of defining and perform their own visions independently of the leaders immediate control and supervision. Transformational leadership not another option but in fact it boosts the transactional style (Spinelli, 2006). To summarize the difference between the transactional and transformational style according to Farag et al.(2009) transactional style depends on the followers agreement to achieve a common goal in exchange of admire or reward. However transformational style result on the followers work toward the same goal of the organization and being motivated an d inspired by the leader. In my point of view what makes a great leader is the ability to choose to lead not to follow. Has to plan effectively for the present issues and to predict complexity of future themes. Most of people agree that leadership could be learned if right characteristics such as intelligence and personality are present. Followers of good leader will always emulate him/her and have the motivation to challenge themselves to be better. They are not afraid of giving continuous feedback on their situation. Therefore the leader should act as good role model and a mentor as well. A leader with an understandable objective of his/her style has less management crisis in contrast to another leader with vague vision. Nursing leader should be a strong advocate and fight for his/her followers rights and calculate the risk before taking them. The effective leadership will minimize stressors surrounding the staff. For any organization to succeed transformational and transactional style combined are best to implement. These styles both act on facilitating conflict resolution which has great impact on the organizational culture. These styles understand aspects affecting conflict management and when properly applied higher job satisfaction will result. Moreover better relationship between staff and constructive health care organization as well as society will be noticed. Lack of effective leadership as demonstrate by (Tomey,2008) direct to patient dissatisfaction, unnoticed contribution of hardworking staff, lack of learning chances with less staff inspiration and intellectual motivation lead to huge stress in the working field of the health organization. Therefore both styles have been found to provide positive atmosphere for the nurses to work whether they want be motivated for the benefit of the group as in transformational style or waiting for the praise, recognition or simple reward as in transactional leadership style. The result will be calmed, healthy workplace environment and we ll being of patient as well as staff. Finally excellent leaders from all styles are made by experience or born with natural talents. The goal of leader at the end is to assist others accomplish their finest role and always set realistic goals to be challenged. A leader who is inspiring others must be a role model before and an excellent mentor for his/her followers. A leader with great sense of charm and self confidence will naturally attract follower to reach for the best outcome. Therefore cost-effective, smart management should invest on those people with these qualities. Never forget the role of follower even how little their contribution might be maybe one day they become successful leader and affect nations.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Rocking Horse Winner and The Lottery Essay -- Literary Analysis

In both â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner† by D.H. Lawrence and â€Å"The Lottery† by Shirley Jackson, the authors take critical aim at two staples of mainstream values, materialism and tradition respectively. Both authors approach these themes through several different literary devices such as personification and symbolism; however, it is the authors' use of characterization that most develop their themes. We'll be taking a look at the parallel passages in the stories that advance their themes particularly when those passages involve both of the authors' subtle character descriptions, and why this method of character development is so powerful in conveying the authors' messages. The only story in which an author employed personalization is â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner,† and did so to profound effect. The whisperings of the house is the first indicator the reader has that the protagonist family's materialism is not merely an interesting trait (as evidenced by the description of the family's feeling of superiority in their community) but will be the focus of the story's theme and plot as well. Lawrence pays special care to make sure that the sinister mood generated by constant and ever-present whispers, and the potential to enhance the theme, does not go to waste. By assigning the whispers to specific locations and objects, having inanimate objects notice them, and having the whispers respond to events in the story (especially the introduction of Paul's â‚ ¤5000 winnings), Lawrence highlights the critical nature of his short story with regards to materialism. It is the author's portrayal of Paul, however, that most promotes the theme throughout the story. Paul's most striking trait is his obsession that, although is an obvious correlate to his... ...ose traits for the purpose of making us moral people. The reader is also asked to look beneath the veneer of civilized behavior that typically surrounds them and wonder at the possibility of such an atrocity being committed by one's neighbors in the name of tradition and community. Both of these short stories are excellent examples of works with masterfully expressed themes that leave a lasting impression on the reader. In particular, the impact of these two stories stems from the two authors' insightful choices about character description, as well as their use of literary device. Although both themes are, themselves, important, without each authors' decision to communicate their characters' traits in a subtle manner that restricted the accessibility of information to the reader, they might not have ended up being studied in literature classes today.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Functional, Business and Global Strategies Essay

a. The module focuses on the company’s/division’s business level strategies and global strategies. You will need to answer the following questions. Anheuser-Busch Inbev is one of the largest breweries in the world. â€Å"Currently, Anheuser-Busch InBev has a product list of more than 200 beers, including global best-sellers Budweiser, Stella Artois, Beck’s, multi-country brands like Leffe and Hoegaarden, and strong â€Å"local jewels† such as Bud Light, Skol, Brahma, Quilmes, Michelob, Harbin, Sedrin, Cass, Klinskoye, Sibirskaya Korona, Chernigivske, and Jupiler, among others that have helped to make the company so successful. In addition, to their own brands, AB InBev owns a 50 percent share in Grupo Modelo, which is Mexico’s leading brewers that own the global Corona brand. AB InBev also owns a 27 percent share in the China brewer Tsingtao. (Workman, 2009)† Since Anheuser-Busch InBev has a vast variety of markets throughout the world we could see different stages in the life cycle through these different markets. For example Western Europe has a Consumer resistant (declining stage of the life cycle). USA, UK France, Switzerland and Latin America have a mature market. Eastern and Central Europe have a market that consolidation considered life cycle and Africa, China, India and Indonesia have a fragmented or introductory life cycle. To be able to do the analysis we will be considering the beer industry life cycle stage as a whole, this stage according to the analyst, the life cycle stage of the beer industry and Anheuser-Busch Inbev has already entered it’s maturity stage. â€Å"In this stage product features may be enhanced in order to differentiate them from competitors, pricing is normally lower, distribution is more intensive, and promotion emphasizes brand image and product differences. (workman, 2009)† Ghebrial,2009) 1. Based on these product, market, or distinctive competency choices, what generic business-level strategy is your company pursuing? AB InBev has a chosen a differentiated strategy offering unique or distinctive products to many kinds of consumers, where their main focus is to gain market share from highly concentrated and competitive US markets and also to focus on international increasing potential markets expanding its global market. Because brands are the foundation of AB InBev, they place major value on their relationship with consumers. These strategic involvements can be traced back to the original establishments of both Anheuser-Busch and Inbev, before they merged. They established brand loyalty with their consumers and due to this AB InBev has chosen to focus their current and future investments on specific brands that have proven to be profitable. These specific brands have been identified as Stella Artois, Beck’s and Budweiser. â€Å"To date, the brands chosen have outperformed other InBev products and announced in the Q3 Press Release on November 6th, InBev had gained or maintained market share in eight of their ten markets† (AB InBev, 2011). As for the differentiation strategy AB InBev we should expect products to be renovated and innovation to be a high predominance in the company (e.g. updating packaging and brand image). As a whole AB Inbev plans to keep the original strategies that Anheuser Busch and Inbev had proven to be effective (differentiation strategy). (Ghebrial,2009) 2. Discuss how your company has attempted to develop a competitive strategy to protect its business-level strategy. For example, if your company is operating in an embryonic industry, discuss the ways it has attempted to increase its competitive advantage over time. If it operates in a mature industry, discuss how it has tried to manage the entry and rivalry. AB InBev has protected its own business-level strategy in many different ways. As a company[s main mission to be the greatest beer in the world, they have achieved competitive strategies to be able to protect their business-level strategies; Sprinkler Expansion strategy, Aggressive Marketing Strategy and Consumer Responsiveness Approach. Sprinkler Expansion Strategy As the world’s largest brewer, AB Inbev has the ability to compete in new and foreign markets as a strong threat. Due to their enormous capital and expansion-based strategy, they can enter any market as a challenger and shutdown competition to become the leading brewer in this market. As an aggregated note we can also see this in domestic or already dominated markets because due to economics of scale they can achieve differentiated products at a low cost. Aggressive Marketing Strategy AB InBev has been characterized in the US and in international markets as one of the most aggressive marketing in the world, these is due to their differentiation strategy and the sprinkler expansion strategy. AB InBev utilizes their extensive capital to capture as much as the market as they can and be able to be number one, in all markets they can. Another added value to this strategy is making all AB Inbev consumers brand loyal, this meaning that they can retain their customers. Consumer Responsiveness Approach Consumer responsiveness approach or Customer-focused approach is the strategy that maintains this brand loyalty through the brand. I believe that AB InBev is one of the best breweries that respond to consumers in every way. As we can see in the chart below AB InBev focuses on costumer responsiveness to assure their business-level strategy. Ghebrial,2009) b. Your company is already doing business in other countries. AB InBev is the largest brewery in the world, and has as a mission to be the world’s greatest beer company in the world. Having more than 200 brands and have expanded to more than 30 countries explains in simple statistics the growth pattern of this company. As they explicitly site in their Annual financial statement â€Å"At Anheuser-Busch InBev, we are focused on building a world-class consumer product company for the 21st century- and delivering on our exceptional potential for value creation through consistent top-line growth and expanding profitability in the world.† AB InBev has not only shown this through the last years but has a consistent growth pattern through the years, as we can see in the two pictures below, InBev the father company of AB InBev has grown through the years creating this brand loyalty and acquiring new companies to strive and become the greatest beer company in the world. (Ghebrial,2009) 1. What strategy is your company pursuing to compete globally? In your opinion, is this the correct strategy, given cost pressures and pressures for local responsiveness? The company has established a well rounded plan to be able to expand globally: Dream-people Culture platform, Right Brands, Right markets, Industry Leading Reach and Resources and Financial discipline. Dream-People-Culture AB InBev are able to drive the execution of their strategies because their unique platform. The people represent the major sustainable competitive advantage. The culture is based on accountability, integrity, continual improvement and mindset of doing the right thing for the long run. Right Brands The Brands constitute a big advantage, â€Å"†¦comprising one of the strongest brand portfolios of any consumer products company, including 14 brands with estimated retail sales value of more than 1 billion USD.† (AB InBev, 2011) The chosen brands entitle a great advantage in being able to expand into markets throughout the world. Right Markets The company positions itself in the right markets. A good share in most of the world’s premier markets for beer, â€Å"†¦including the industry’s most profitable beer market, as well as Brazil and China. (AB InBev, 2011)† The balance of their expansion and the fast growing emerging markets promotes profitability in the long-term. Industry-Leading Reach and Resources AB InBev has the ability to compete effectively on a global scale. Due to the Industry-Leading Reach and Resources, â€Å"including their presence in 23 countries and uniform processes that ensure consistent performance globally. (AB InBev, 2011)† Financial Discipline Another major factor in this global strategic plan, is the competency of cost efficiency, â€Å"which enables us to convert â€Å"non-working money† in areas as administrative overhead into â€Å"working money† to be devoted to investments in growth. (AB InBev, 2011)† 2. What major foreign market does your company serve, and what mode has it used to enter this market? Why is your company active in these markets and not others? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this mode of entry? Might another mode of entry be preferable? Holding business in 23 different countries, AB-InBev has developed number one or number two positions in diverse markets throughout the world, including North America, Latin America South, Latin America North, Western Europe and Eastern, Central Europe and Asia. As a major expanding company as we say in the previous graph, we state that one of the major entry modes of AB InBev has been steady in acquiring or merging with powerful companies in the market of interest to be able to compete in a number one or number two position. The company uses this mode of entry to be able to compete in the present market, use their capital and become the leading company in the market. Having the power and capital, they prefer to enter the market with global brands know to everyone like Stella Arlois and Budweiser, as well as to adopt the current â€Å"favorite† beer (e.g. Corona, Quilmes) to compete as a global and local company. As we can see AB InBev is in all the major markets of the world being successful in most of them, as their financial statement says, they search markets where they can provide extreme customer responsiveness and achieve profitability and growth. In the below graph we can see what companies AB InBev has acquired or merged with to for the most important markets in the six regions described before. AB InBev has chosen this method of entry, but there is one more specific entry mode that can be argued to be a better fit for the company and this is to form a wholly owned business in the new market. This could bring the benefit of owning all of the business and creating a culture of their own and being as successful as they have been in their home markets. In my consideration this would be a mistake and should not be done any other way than their original and current plan of expansion. By investing too much capital and taking the whole risk on their own they have a much better chance to take over other companies keep selling their top brands as discussed before and enter the market with their world famous beer, that have exceeded revenue expectations in the past.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Uses and applications of Graphene Paper Essays

Uses and applications of Graphene Paper Essays Uses and applications of Graphene Paper Essay Uses and applications of Graphene Paper Essay Artificial appendages, Electrodes for energy constituents, Sun powered cells, batteries and capacitances and Thermal high temperature sinks for machine and electronic supplies ( Spasenovic,2013 ) . Distinctive requisitions of this-paper like stuff are invariably utilised these yearss, for illustration, as a portion of the conveyers, semiconducting materials and defenders where we can command the electrical force and belongingss without really releasing with the mechanical 1s. Graphene paper are similarly being assorted maintaining in head the terminal end to do cross strain stuffs which hold polymers, ceramics and metal motivating composite stuffs that will execute much superior to any current one as parts in, with regard to instance, in have oning great points, planes, constructions and autos. In a paper that was distributed in July issue of ( Nano letters ) , the assemblage reported that graphene paper could be made electrically conductive by infixing them into glass films. This kind of slender transparent films could be utilized within diverse requisitions, for illustration, in Sun oriented cells and crystalline appliances, for illustration, adaptable coloring material scree ns and electronic documents. Transforming of this sort of films give less expensive options to the normally utilised Tin Oxide coatings which are on a regular basis utilised as crystalline conductive films ( Fellman,2007 ) Since graphene paper are one of the strongest stuffs that are 100 times stronger than steel, its likewise one-particle midst and a planar stuff, Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov who are two research workers at the college of Manchester attempted to use graphene paper within what is rung Chicken wire made of C. Well all the more dumbfounding about Graphene is that negatrons do nt disperse to the extent that when they are traveling as they do in different stuffs, for illustration, Silicon. This all helped analysts with a specific terminal end to manage graphene-based transistors which are twice every bit speedy as the old conventional Si 1s which may hold an consequence on the rate of workstations to run quicker than ordinary ( Brody,2012 ) . Graphene will be utilized to blanket the surface of edifice notwithstanding the tops which is as of now being utilized because of its light weight, adaptability and optical density of visible radiation. Graphene is merely approximately crystalline to light nevertheless it can retain 2 % of visible radiation, ( for illustration, UV, Infrared and noticeable visible radiation ) . On the off opportunity that you join together this to the capableness of graphene to take power you will hold an electrical, meager and adaptable channels. This new kind of graphene Sun powered board is, no uncertainty a work in advancement and it will be made up of natural photovoltaic cells that are sandwiched between two beds of graphene and this cell are answerable for altering over suns verve to power. These adaptable and light weight Sun oriented boards are continuously formed so as to suit vehicles organic structure, for illustration, knapsacks that can resuscitate your IPod or telephone and in your garm ents as good. Additionally some adaptable Sun powered boards will be utilized within petition to bear down your smart phone ( Geim,2008 ) . The greater portion of the phones and tablet Pc these yearss have touch screen that permits the person to touch symbols or missive specifically on presentation screen and this idea is focused around a bed that shops electrical charges which are put on glass board on the screen. So when an single touches a screen with stylus pen or finger a charge is exchanged to the client and the charge on the bed will decrease which will be measured by a detector and this information will be taken into a processor to concentrate the move will be made. On history of touch screen made up of graphene that will be utilized within the hereafter in foldaway cell phones as their conductive constituents will be printed on flimsy plastic bed instead than glass so will do phones highly thin and foldaway that they can steal into pocket. With likewise the high quality capacity of graphene, they will do this telephones unbreakable and research workers are come offing off at the first graphene touch screen to de mo up subsequently on in concerns ( Tinnesand,2012 ) . Bionic devices ( the term bionic alludes to science and electronic ) are appliances that are, no uncertainty utilized as a portion of new curative surgeries and they are planted in peculiar life tissues or variety meats so as to verify that this organ is working suitably, for illustration, in manufactured Black Marias and cochlear inserts. Since graphene is thin, adaptable and imperviable to salty ionic consequences that are found inside populating life signifier, they are replacing metallic parts that was utilized within the past. Long retire live, digesting a life clip and no reaching of unsafe metals in the organic structure brings about a important betterment reply for bionic appliances ( Schmidt,2012 ) . Because of the capableness of Graphene paper to direct electrical marks, it can be joined with nerve cells and will direct frail electrical indexs get downing with one cell so onto the following. This can assist to treat Graphene transistors along harmed spinal twine which will assist them to detect nervus driving forces of nervousnesss in the undamaged country and behaviour them to the harmed district where nervousnesss in musculuss are discovered allowing the nervousnesss to work suitably. Consequently, this kind of invention will be utilized as a portion without bounds to command mechanical and fake legs and weaponries. On history of manufactured extremities, small engines are utilised instead than the musculuss within petition to do development and these graphene bionic appliances will hand-off electrical marks to these small engines doing the bogus extremity move ( Lin,2011 ) . One of the obstructors for the readying of graphene paper is coevals of huge adequate and speckless treasures that hold merely C molecules. The locality of Non-carbon shred may upset the ideal hexangular construction of graphene so in the current clip legion specimens are prepared nevertheless they are few square millimeters in size while sheet up to 76 centimeters crosswise over are, no uncertainty dealt with and accomplishments in graphene paper readying develop systematically. An alternate hindrance analysts are sing is the creative activity of one-molecule thick bed of atoms in speckless six sided rings and fixing unadulterated cherished rocks. There are one usually utilised method that is called mixture vapour statement which comprises of go throughing Methane gas at high temperature of 800oc and higher up to 1000oc over a sheet of Cu so the methane shops its Cs and will in a perfect universe produce hexangular sheets where H and different molecules are discharges. Different mod us operandis are utilised to boot, for illustration, fade outing black lead in a dissoluble and will be showered after it in flimsy beds using inkjet-sort pressmans so its warmed maintaining in head the terminal end to disappear the dissoluble and graphene corsets on the paper [ encephalon. 2011 ] [ Tinnesand,2012 ] . A lone bed of black lead is called graphene which could be made efficaciously using a tape. There are typical focal points of graphene as said before which incorporates fundamentally the quality of the graphene and fresh electrical capablenesss and belongingss. Graphene to boot shows diverse favorable fortunes, for illustration, the great adaptability, low atomic weight ( 0.2 g cm-3 ) , the size and form could be uninhibitedly traded in conclusion the high electrical conduction up to ( 15 ? sq?1 ) . A lone bed of black lead is called graphene which might be made efficaciously using a tape. There are typical favorable fortunes of graphene as said before which incorporates largely the quality of the graphene and fresh electrical capablenesss and belongingss. Graphene is known to be 100 times stronger than steel which can keep an car without anyone else s input. These capablenesss and more will act upon the outlining of cars, streets, extensions, planes and supplies that needs to be lig ht and solid will gain from the use of graphene paper. Samsung Company now is taking a shooting at another development by using graphene because of its thin, quality and its unbelievable music director capacity that influence machines, screens and french friess in another signifier of understanding Mobile phone to be foldaway and could be efficaciously slip effortlessly into your pocket [ Brain,2011 ] , [ Cong,2013 ] . Thus, Graphene is stronger than cherished rock, more adaptable than elastic and more conductive than Cu. In the other manus Graphene is waste of hard currency and may be helpful to some yet non all commissariats as a senior British instructor said toDavid Shukmana scientific discipline proofreaders in BBC intelligence. He to boot whined that graphene will neer turn into a radical stuff. More than 60 million dollar is a great trade of hard currency that is required to pump into one specific scope for extraction of graphene. In the dither of funding, high subsidising hard currency, the capableness to bring forth long and thick beds of graphene and conveying graphene into diverse supplies is the most well-known hinderances of Graphite. Additionally, scientists are detecting issues in the extraction of graphene from black lead as specified some clip late. Contempt position is non unusual ; peculiarly the hard currency gives off an feeling of being pointed on base out peculiar extend alte rnatively of the full field of indispensable scrutiny motivating convey significantly all the more in the long tally. in different words, the fuss of interchanging to graphene and costs need to portend good monetarily speaking. ( Shukman, 2011 ) Literature sites Ali.R Ranjbartoreh. ( 2011 ) Graphene paper: thin as paper and 10 times stronger than steel, InJournal of Applied Physics.Retrieved, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Brody, H. ( March 15, 2012 ) . Graphene nature Outlook, InNature.Retrieved vague, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Charles Schmidt. ( 2012 ) . Bioelectronics: The bionic stuff. InReadcube.Retrieved vague, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Dmitriy A. Dikin. Sasha Stankovich. Eric J. Zimney, Richard D. Piner, Geoffrey H. B. Dommett, GuennadiEvmenenko. 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Research workers at NorthWestern University have fabricated a new type of paper that is unusually stiff and strong yet lightweight and which should happen usage in a broad assortment of applications. Retrieved vague, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Tinnesand, M. ( 2012 ) . Graphene: The Following Wonder Material? .In American Chemistry Society Retrieved undefined, from hypertext transfer protocol: // _ nfpb=true A ; _pageLabel=PP_MULTICOLUMN_T2_66 A ; node_id=893 A ; use_sec=false A ; sec_url_var=region1 A ; __uuid=e4e1e470-d2ff-4206-9bb4-ea8911ecf6a3. Physicss arXiv Blog. ( 2011 ) . How to Make Graphene Paper.In Technology Review.Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: // . Lin, YM, ( 2011 ) . High-frequency, scaled graphene transistors on diamond-like carbon..Retrieved, from hypertext transfer protocol: // nature/journal/v472/n7341/full/nature09979.html.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Riordan Human Resource System

Riordan Human Resource System Free Online Research Papers Riordan Manufacturing was founded in 1991 by Michael Riordan with an initial focus on the licensing of existing patents, research and development. Today they are looked at as a leader in the plastic injection field. They have received international acclaim in for their works. As a Fortune 1000 enterprise they offer state of the art plastic design through its facilities. They currently are head quartered in San Jose with additional plants in Albany, Pontiac and Hangzhou. (Apollo, 2006) Riordan currently uses HRIS for its HR duties, which is part of their financial package. HRIS has the ability to keep track of pay rates, personal information, exemptions, hire date, organizational information and vacation hours. Currently, all changes must be submitted by the employees in writing on special forms and entered by the payroll clerk located at the corporate headquarters. Currently, the system is complicated and disconnected. Training and development are kept in a excel spreadsheet by the training specialist. This method is not only cumbersome, but non-secure. Additionally, each recruiter keeps maintains their own applicant information in a central non-digital storage along with tracking applicants in an excel spread sheet. Information regarding grievances and harassment complaints are kept locked in the employee relations specialists offices. Riordan is in need of a system that will pull all of the facets of HR into one central location. This should be a secure system requiring a secured login to protect sensitive information that is currently being manually stored and locked. Once the new system is in place, these assistants will be able to focus on up keeping and entering information freeing the managers to focus on the employees themselves. To resolve these inefficiencies, it will be important that as much information as possible is gathered. A review of the current organizational charts would give an understanding of how separate departments function as well as giving an idea of key individuals that will need to be interviewed. Additionally, a review would be made of the documentation of the current system. This gives a better understanding of how the current system is meant to function. Since most of the functions are currently done manually, it is expected much of the forms and documentations will not be up to date. Gathering this information will help in the decision of which forms should be modified and which eliminated. The forms also serve as an important tool when conducting interviews. As one of the primary means of gaining information, interviews would begin with key personnel in each of the locations to gain a better understanding of the individual requirements of each location. Additional interviews with end users will take place to gain an idea of operations and to highlight ways improvements can be made to their job. It will be important to also conduct follow-up interviews with stakeholders to ensure continued success of the project. Conducting end user surveys is an additional way to gather information regarding concerns and requirements not previously addressed. These questionnaires have the added benefit of allowing the gathering of information from many people who may be scattered across the company’s various geographic locations. These surveys will be given key users directly involved with the new system to get a better picture of what the workers feel will streamline their department and increase productivity. By also conducting additional surv eys with other employees, information can be gained on what features they feel would make their jobs easier and what information they would like to have accessible to them through the new system. Observation of the current system and process will be an important part of the fact finding phase. Watching the system in action will give an additional view point and understanding of the current system procedures. This also gives the opportunity to verify statements given in interviews and ensure everything is as described. Observation of the systems and its workers is vital to understanding what occurs in the current process. A prototype of the proposed system will allow all involved to get the look and the feel of the new system. The prototype will be focused and easily modified. JAD sessions will be another important part of information gathering. This will allow all the important stakeholders to be present with the opportunity to contribute and make decisions. Actual participants would vary by sessions. Riordan is a very large organization, with four facilities, one of them being overseas. This can make it a challenge to gather information correctly and quickly. This also adds the additional challenge of putting information and resources into a central location. The scope is to implement this central system and implement it into a unified process while increasing efficiency and reducing costs. It is the desire of Riordan to â€Å"take advantage of a more sophisticated, state-of-the art, information systems technology in our Human Resources department† (Apollo, 2006). The integrated more sophis ticated system will reduce labor costs and provide a more user friendly environment which will reduce errors. The data would be in a shared environment so only authorized personal have access, which means a big step up for the company security wise. The automation of routine reports and functions will also save the company time and money and allow management to have instant automated access to important information needed to make companywide decisions. A scope management plan will need to be developed. This document will include the work required to complete the project and will be communicated to the project team. Currently, the systems across the plants are not compatible and revisions of the system are a priority. The investigation into the feasibility of the project has proven this is a necessary and feasible undertaking. The project constraints consist of project completion by the second quarter of next year. The allocated budget for the project is $150,000. Reviews will be utilized to ensure successful rollout throughout the process. Equally important to data integration and the building of the new system are the financial benefits to Riordan. The elimination of unnecessary labor reduces labor costs as well as the reduction in errors. The project feasibility is further strengthened by the current lack of security of sensitive data. An integrated system will provide a greater overall benefit to the organization. This integrated system will result in less redundant data entry, improved data integrity and less overall job training costs. In designing the architecture of the system, it will be important to address the system functionality, ensure that it is secure and protects both the application and the business, that it is stable, manageable and maintainable. In designing the system, it will be very important to also consider the requirements: high performance, scalable and expandable, consistent, easy integration with other systems and minimal resource usage. The plan would be to design the system using a distributed architecture. This design would include all the elements that would be required to develop a more centralized system. The corporate office would be the best location for the centralized system. A windows based system would be the recommended option as it is compatible, tested and has the proper support. This software would also include an automated backup system. A human resources management system should be considered that will meet the requirements. Microsoft Dynamics is an all in one solution with proven support that would meet all of Riordan’s needs. It will provide a centralized solution for viewing and managing personnel data such as pay stubs, training histories. It will automate organizing human resource processes, eliminate many time consuming clerical tasks and will provide human resources with powerful tools for employee management. Microsoft Dynamics will also give the employees many options. They will now have the ability to access information regarding their accrued time off, benefits, payroll and more. Some of the other important solutions it will deliver are; payroll, benefits, training, compliance and reporting and analysis. It also has the ability to include other solutions in the future if needed easily, such as customer relations. A wireless network will be setup in each location with the servers located in the main office. This will allow the networking of the main office and other facilities. An important part of the upgrade will be a central database. Automation will be needed rather than relying on input from individuals while also increasing efficiency and productivity. The installation of a wireless connection will be worth the costs as workers will become far more efficient. Communications will be much easier company wide as workers have more efficient access to electronic communications. Additionally, steps should be taken to better link the existing networks. Using a ring system would allow them to share resources throughout the network, reduce Internet connection costs, improve data connections, and allow not only for cross site data access, but printing as well. The development of the company intranet will also allow for better ease of company resources. The intranet will be secured, not only through software to protect it from outside intrusions, but also through the use of individual passwords. When logging in to the intranet with their specific password, users will only have access to information relevant to them, a much more secure system then the filing cabinets currently in place which are unsecure and easily assessable. The intranet will allow for different levels of accessibility and put all necessary information in one place while also reducing materials costs and waste. Employees will be able to easily update personal information, access training materials, view procedural handbooks, communicate, and submit information to other departments right from the company Intranet. The company Intranet will not only make human resource tasks more efficient but it will also improve the efficiencies of other departments. The current company intranet is useful, but to reach its full potential updates should be made. Only basic information is available to users and there is no interactivity. By including modules available through the new human resources software, Riordan will be able to give users the ability to not only read available materials but contribute as well. The addition of forms and interactive trainings will keep the intranet basic and easy to use while vastly increasing overall company efficienc y and security. Currently, Riordan maintains an HR system that already includes some employee information as well as manually maintained Excel documents. This till make the transition of data much easier. Adding to it the ease of transition is Excel is a widely used program compatible with most platforms making the data contained in the spread sheets easily transferrable. Data will be stored in the new data base and easily accessible from employee workstations. For example, human resource personnel from each site will be able to enter information directly from their workstation to the payroll module. The data will be secured and some parts password protected for added security to sensitive information. Employees will be able to login to the system through the company intranet using their password and access relevant data such as pay rate, benefits, accrued vacation time and performance reviews. They will also have interactive forms allowing them to change their personal information, request vacation time or even request help desk services. The results from the design phase will now be passed to the next phase, implementation. During this phase we have a number of activities to perform before the system is deployed. Among these activities are; program coding, testing, installation, documentation and training. After deployment we will also be doing system support. The first step in this implementation phase is coding. During this phase the software will be installed and then the installation of specific modules for benefits and administration and human resource management. Because of the existence of multiple sub systems which all need integration, there will be multiple developers working on the system at the same time. Once this is completed managers and human resource professionals will need to enter the necessary data. Although time consuming, the entering of the information is vital for system success. Once this has taken place, the systems will be brought online. Top down development will be used, meaning we will start at the top of the system with the highest level of functionality and work our way down. Integration testing will begin and allow for the testing of how all the multiple modules work together. If any compatibility issues are found between the modules they can be corrected at this point. Once this has been completed, system testing can begin. Developers can check the system for bugs and ensure the system meets user requirements. QA personnel will perform performance tests to validate system response and throughout requirements. Performance will be looked at during each stage to determine any performance issues which may need to be addressed. Installation will take place in phases. The primary component is the database that will include personnel and department information. Independent subsystems will be added one at a time after initial installation. After the entire system is up and testing has been completed the old system will be taken down. The procedures that have been performed along with results from testing, flow charts created and other required documents will be retained for inclusion in the final system documentation. These will be converted to PDF format and stored for access on the company intranet. This will assist in future maintenance as well as helping future developers in design change and upgrade. Some user documentation is included with Microsoft Dynamics and will be reviewed and further developed for completeness. End user guides will also be developed and be accessible through the company intranet. FAQs will be developed along with common procedure instructions. As system updates are made documentation will be upgraded accordingly. Clear and complete user end documentation and tools will minimize the amount of training and support for the system. Even though these documents will be provided, training for the new system will need to be provided. This will give users a better understanding of the new system and allow them to work more efficiently. Documentation for the new system will be provided to users, primarily the HR department and the users that currently maintain the excel spreadsheets. Site seminars will take place along with hands on training that will give them a chance to use the system in a test environment while also allowing for user feedback. All employments will receive information on how they may now update their information on the new system as well as how to use the system to view important information. Simple instructions will be provided to employees who may visit with HR personal that attended the seminars if they need additional help using the new system. Current help desk and technical personnel will be trained for the ongoing support of the system. This training will include system installation, configuration, operation, maintenance and troubleshooting tips. User will be able to contact the help desk through a support ticket request on the company intranet should end user problems arise. The activities of the implementation phase are considered part of a defined and repeatable process. Defining the successful project for development and documenting the process allows you to repeat the process and gives a structured approach to design management. Having a defined and repeatable process will assist the project managers by having defined activities taking place at defined times during the process. This helps to ensure no steps are skipped. Research Papers on Riordan Human Resource SystemRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesThe Project Managment Office SystemAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaOpen Architechture a white paperBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalStandardized TestingThree Concepts of PsychodynamicGenetic Engineering

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Witty Valentines Day Quotes and Quips

Witty Valentine's Day Quotes and Quips Set aside those mushy, sentimental words of love. Valentines Day is the perfect occasion to tease your lover with the naughty humor of these quotes. Funny words may bring a smile, but witty jabs add a spark to the relationship. This Valentines Day, roll on the floor with laughter. Helen Rowland A husband is what is left of the lover after the nerve is extracted. Brendan Francis A man is already halfway in love with any woman who listens to him. Miguel De Cervantes Absence: that common cure of love. Aerosmith Falling in love is so hard on the knees. Ogie,  Waitress If I had a penny for everything I love about you, I would have many pennies. Author Unknown If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular? Laurence J. Peter Its better to have loved and lost than to do forty pounds of laundry a week. Henny Youngman Ive been in love with the same woman for forty-one years. If my wife finds out, shell kill me. Jonathan Swift Lord! I wonder what fool it was that first invented kissing. Cathy Carlyle Love is an electric blanket with somebody else in control of the switch. Jules Renord Love is like an hour glass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties. W. Somerset Maugham Love is only a dirty trick played on us to achieve continuation of the species. Woody Allen Love is the answer, but while youre waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions. John Barrymore Love is the delightful interval between meeting a beautiful girl and discovering that she looks like a haddock. Reed Bennet, Valentines Day Love is the only shocking act left on the planet. William Caxton Love lasteth as long as the money endureth. Richard Friedman Money will buy you a fine dog, but only love can make it wag its tail. Charles Dickens Never sign a Valentine with your own name. Albert Einstein No, this trick wont work. How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? Henry Kissinger Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. Theres too much fraternizing with the enemy. Erich Segal True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, get your ears checked. Marie E. Eschenbach We dont believe in rheumatism and true love until after the first attack. Oscar Wilde Women are made to be loved, not understood. Henny Youngman You can’t buy love, but you can pay heavily for it.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Restaurant Business in London Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Restaurant Business in London - Essay Example This discussion stresses that people in London are cash-rich and time-poor. On an average, people are not present at home or at work for four hours a day. The most prevalent leisure activity is eating out. The population of London has a high frequency of dining out. The love for eating out among the people of the city reflects in the ever increasing number of restaurants.From the study it is clear that the cosmopolitan city of London is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world. More than one fourth of the city population was not born in UK. There is no hesitation in mixing with new culture or trying new food.   People love to explore abroad. Increasing number of people is reaching out to global holiday destinations. This exposure to other countries, new culture and food habits shows an effect on the restaurant menu cards and shop shelves.  The number of cuisines that the population of London love to feast on is thirty. This includes wide range of eating joints from the luxuries restaurants, coffee shops, fast food corners, budget restaurants to take away joints. It serves across all sections of the society. Needless to say, it is one of the top food destinations in the world.  Tourists have been coming to London from the various countries and enjoying the dining experience of all parts of the world.  Today London is particularly well known around the world as a food destination due to its diverse range of people and cultures.

Friday, October 18, 2019

U03d1 Health Care Perceptions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

U03d1 Health Care Perceptions - Essay Example Second are long term debts, where the maturity of the debt is longer than one year. Both these debts are equally risky as well as have the advantages and disadvantages (Zelman, McCue, & Glick, 2009). Considering the long term debts, it is essential to note that there are two primary models that are present, one where the debt is a term loan and second where the debt is a public offering mostly in the form of bonds. The health care industry has a mixture of debts which can be used to meet the needs of an optimal investment; it is essential to note that a more diversified portfolio proves to be very beneficial for the industry and can in a number of ways increase the anticipation of an investment. It is also important to note that the investments are not always accurate and the growth is not easily measurable. In the case of banks, it is possible to determine the financial situation using the debt to equity ratio, however considering the health care industry this can be a little risky and the outcome and overall organization can be difficult to manage. There is a high level of risk that is involved in the risk of borrowing and debt when compared to the risk of equity. Also as explained by Moore (2009), there is a high level of interest rates that need to be considered and these have to a great extent impacted a number of people across the world, leaving them defaulting on the loans. Considering the health care industry and the consumers, it is definite that the hospital finances are not found. Also considering the hospitals, it is important to note that the debt related issues is a very unconventional problem. The chances for the health care industry to be faced with high levels of debt ratio (Abel,, 2009). There are a number of different opinions and ideas that the customers have about the financial condition of the health care industry and the consumers in most cases will not get a true peek into the financial condition of the organizations.

The Massive Government Cover-Up of the Attack on the USS Liberty Essay

The Massive Government Cover-Up of the Attack on the USS Liberty - Essay Example There were many questions that remained unanswered during the last 40 years, but recently declassified documents and newly uncovered testimony has shed new light on the events surrounding this tragic event. Examining what we know about the reports from the time, and the information that has been made public since, makes a convincing case that the attack was a deliberate action by the Israeli government and resulted in a massive cover-up by the Navy inquiry. The official explanation at the time was that in the heat of battle the Israeli Air Force had misidentified the USS Liberty as an Egyptian vessel. Yet, according to a CIA memo of June 13, 1967, 5 days after the attack, the agency reported that two Israeli Mirage fighters had orbited the Liberty on a reconnaissance flight just six hours before the attack (Central Intelligence Agency, 469). The CIA further reported that the weather was clear, the ship was plainly marked, and had a US flag flying. (Central Intelligence Agency, 470). In addition the Liberty was 200 feet longer than the Egyptian ship and had an Ensign that was clearly visible and appropriately marked. To examine the case of mistaken identity requires that we evaluate what the Israelis knew and when they knew it. The initial air assault took place at 13:58 hours and a second wave occurred at 14:04 (Bregman, 89). These flights consisted of machine gun strafing and napalm, which damaged the deck, antennas, and some communications capability. Israeli tape recordings from that day verify that Colonel Shmuel Kislev, the Commander of Israeli Air Control, knew that it was an American ship by 14:14 hours (Bregman, 89). At 14:26, 12 minutes after they had confirmed it was a US ship, Israeli torpedo boats arrived at the scene. By 14:31, 17 minutes after verifying identification, the Israeli boats had fired 5 torpedoes (Bregman, 89). One of the torpedoes hit the Liberty, killed 25 crewmen, and put the USS Liberty out of commission. Motives for the attack are difficult to ascertain in the aftermath of war. Military and governments sometimes act as organisms with no clearly definable goal. A plausible explanation has been offered that contends Israel feared that the Liberty would intercept sensitive communications regarding their plans to attack Syria's Golan Heights. If the US were alerted to the plan, they might have tried to prevent what Israel perceived as a vital operation. A CIA report identified Defense Minister Moshe Dyan as the Israeli leader that ordered the attack (Brands, 211). Dyan had gambled that Johnson would not fully investigate the incident. According to Brands, Johnson made a minimal effort to investigate the area, but was concerned about alarming the Egyptians or the Russians (212). After Johnson was unable to gather any information from the scene, the Israelis apologized. Not wanting to destroy the fragile alliance with Israel, Johnson accepted the apology and ordered the incident to be kept quiet (Brands, 212). The following day, Israel launched an attack against Syria, which wrapped up the final phase of the Six Day War. There could be little believability that the Israelis were unaware of a major US intelligence ship just off their coast in international waters. It had been in the Mediterranean since June 5 (Joint Chiefs of Staff). The cover story of mistaken identity was so weak, that according

Health Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Health Psychology - Essay Example This is because information on healthcare issue is available to anyone from any location. According to Moffat & Eley (2010) increased access to healthcare services in areas that previously had limited access is one of the advantages of using telemedicine in Australia. In essence, rural Australians have been able to gain more access to clinical services, a factor that may eventually lead to a reduction in the discrepancies between urban and rural healthcare quality in Australia. The cost-effectiveness of telemedicine in Australia cannot be underestimated. Georgeff (2007) writes that the use of telemedicine could save the government approximately 1.5 billion U.S dollars that are used per annum to treat people with chronic illnesses. Moffat & Eley (2010) add that apart from reduced costs on the part of the government, patients have also had to pay less for clinical services. In addition, the burden of having to physically go to a health center in order to get clinical services has been reduced. This is especially so, for the aged and for people suffering from chronic illnesses. On the other hand, there are several barriers that limit the uptake of telemedicine in Australia. Funding, as Robertson states (2011), is a major hindrance as most practitioners use outdated resources to conduct consultations due lack of funds to buy and update resources. Consequently, many practitioners prefer to use paper formats that are provided freely by pharmaceutical companies. Additionally, practitioners claim that there are no financial incentives in telemedicine, as most consultations conducted using this method are not reimbursed and extra time is not compensated (Moffat & Eley, 2011). Time- It requires a lot of time for a telemedicine consultation, thus increasing the workload of doctors. According to Robertson (2011) doctors would prefer that clinical information be integrated into their normal clinical software, since logging in and off while

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Effective Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Effective Leadership - Essay Example 74-78, 2001). This paper is attempt to look at different types of leadership and the recent developments in the field of leadership by briefly looking at the literature available on Fred Fielder’s Situational Leadership Model, Level 5 Leadership, 360-degree leadership and Charismatic leadership. Discussion Fred Fielder’s Situational Leadership Model Fred Fielder is considered as one of the most notable gurus of leadership. During the mid of the 20th century, when most of the leadership experts were occupied by the discussion that whether leaders are born with certain characteristics which distinguish them from others or whether people can acquire these skills to become leaders. Fielder took the liberty of providing an entirely different perspective to the management and organizational behavior experts by giving his situational leadership theory (Kellerman, pp. 234-238, 2010). He divided the leadership styles into two groups namely relationship motivated and task motivat ed. Relationship motivated leaders are the ones who would place their emotional bonds with their people over the tasks and jobs. These leaders are more concerned about their image, respect, and perception amongst their followers. However, task motivated leaders are the ones who are more interested in numbers, targets, figures and objectives, and in the pursuit of the same, they are ready to sacrifice their image and bonding with their employees (Robbins & Judge, pp. 223-228, 2010). Furthermore, fielder proposed three elements, which have the ability to determine the situational control of the person. These are leader member relations, task structure and position power. Leader member relations refer to the degree to which the leader enjoys the backing, support, and loyalty of his sub ordinates. Second, task structure is high when the job descriptions are clear, structured, and well defined. Third, position power refers to the degree to which the leader enjoys the formal power to hire , recruit, select, reward, punish, or obtain compliance from the employees (Fulmer & Goldsmith, pp. 74-78, 2001). Furthermore, Fielder suggests that when the above-mentioned factors are high, the situational control is high and vice versa. A task-motivated style remains the most favourable option when the situational control is either extremely high or extremely low. Nevertheless, when the situational control is moderate, the leader should opt for a relationship motivated leadership style (Kellerman, pp. 41-49, 1999). 360 Degree Leadership Maxwell (2006) gave one of the most modern and influential concepts in leadership known as the â€Å"360 degree leadership† (pp. 15). Maxwell focuses on the most basic and simplest definitions of leadership, which says, â€Å"Leadership is nothing but the art of influencing people towards the achievement of shared goals† (Maxwell, pp. 84-86, 2008). Quite understandably, one cannot only influence the people who are underneath the indi vidual in the organizational hierarchy but also who lie at the same line or even who are over him in the organizational hierarchy. This means that one cannot only lead his subordinates but also his peers, colleagues, friends, bosses, bosses’ peers, and others. Many leaders fail to view the concept of leadership in a board way of leading down, leading across and leading up but they fall into the trap of leading down

Do women 'choose' to wear make up Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Do women 'choose' to wear make up - Essay Example Though makeup has been in production since 3500 B.C., it became a female necessity in the early 20th century (Peril, 2002). Makeup was created for the sole purpose for women to hide any flaws and blemishes that others, mainly men, did not wish to see on them. In essence, makeup was designed to make women look more desirable to the eye. Due to makeup, a woman was hardly ever seen for who and what she really was; this seemed to be how men liked it. Oddly enough, most makeup was advertised as enabling women to feel better about themselves, though all it did was give the majority of women a complex of self-consciousness, and the only people it seemed to positively affect was males. Makeup was the subtle way of telling a woman that she was not pretty enough, and that she could look better than she originally does. From a young age, women were taught this and they were convinced that makeup would not only make them feel better, but that it would also make them look better. When it came to being a female, looking your best was always, for some reason, what mattered the most above all other characteristics. Because of how young they are when they are influenced by makeup, when it comes to whether or not women have the choice to wear makeup, it can be said that many of them do not. Even as children, girls would watch their moms spend time everyday in front of the mirror - and often more than one time a day - applying makeup, trying to look her best. Some of these little girls were given toy makeup kits to play with; whether these were meant for fun or for early makeup applying practice, it cannot be said (Peril, 2006). Even if they were meant for pretend play, girls were still subjected and influenced by makeup from that young age, during those young years when they should have been more concerned with having a childhood. As they get older, they are subjected to other types of makeup; once they have all of the various types on their

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Health Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Health Psychology - Essay Example This is because information on healthcare issue is available to anyone from any location. According to Moffat & Eley (2010) increased access to healthcare services in areas that previously had limited access is one of the advantages of using telemedicine in Australia. In essence, rural Australians have been able to gain more access to clinical services, a factor that may eventually lead to a reduction in the discrepancies between urban and rural healthcare quality in Australia. The cost-effectiveness of telemedicine in Australia cannot be underestimated. Georgeff (2007) writes that the use of telemedicine could save the government approximately 1.5 billion U.S dollars that are used per annum to treat people with chronic illnesses. Moffat & Eley (2010) add that apart from reduced costs on the part of the government, patients have also had to pay less for clinical services. In addition, the burden of having to physically go to a health center in order to get clinical services has been reduced. This is especially so, for the aged and for people suffering from chronic illnesses. On the other hand, there are several barriers that limit the uptake of telemedicine in Australia. Funding, as Robertson states (2011), is a major hindrance as most practitioners use outdated resources to conduct consultations due lack of funds to buy and update resources. Consequently, many practitioners prefer to use paper formats that are provided freely by pharmaceutical companies. Additionally, practitioners claim that there are no financial incentives in telemedicine, as most consultations conducted using this method are not reimbursed and extra time is not compensated (Moffat & Eley, 2011). Time- It requires a lot of time for a telemedicine consultation, thus increasing the workload of doctors. According to Robertson (2011) doctors would prefer that clinical information be integrated into their normal clinical software, since logging in and off while

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Do women 'choose' to wear make up Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Do women 'choose' to wear make up - Essay Example Though makeup has been in production since 3500 B.C., it became a female necessity in the early 20th century (Peril, 2002). Makeup was created for the sole purpose for women to hide any flaws and blemishes that others, mainly men, did not wish to see on them. In essence, makeup was designed to make women look more desirable to the eye. Due to makeup, a woman was hardly ever seen for who and what she really was; this seemed to be how men liked it. Oddly enough, most makeup was advertised as enabling women to feel better about themselves, though all it did was give the majority of women a complex of self-consciousness, and the only people it seemed to positively affect was males. Makeup was the subtle way of telling a woman that she was not pretty enough, and that she could look better than she originally does. From a young age, women were taught this and they were convinced that makeup would not only make them feel better, but that it would also make them look better. When it came to being a female, looking your best was always, for some reason, what mattered the most above all other characteristics. Because of how young they are when they are influenced by makeup, when it comes to whether or not women have the choice to wear makeup, it can be said that many of them do not. Even as children, girls would watch their moms spend time everyday in front of the mirror - and often more than one time a day - applying makeup, trying to look her best. Some of these little girls were given toy makeup kits to play with; whether these were meant for fun or for early makeup applying practice, it cannot be said (Peril, 2006). Even if they were meant for pretend play, girls were still subjected and influenced by makeup from that young age, during those young years when they should have been more concerned with having a childhood. As they get older, they are subjected to other types of makeup; once they have all of the various types on their

Study of Peak Oil and Gas Essay Example for Free

Study of Peak Oil and Gas Essay In 2004, the world production of oil was estimated at just over 29. 7 Bbl. The corresponding world consumption for oil during the same period was estimated at 29. 6 Bbl of oil, leaving a surplus of just under 0. 1 Bbl at the end of the year. In the United States, one of largest consumer markets for oil and oil products, from the first week in September 2004 to the first week in September 2005, gasoline prices increased by a staggering $1. 22 per gallon to $3. 12 before dropping to $2. 25 on November 21, 2005. These figures are quite staggering considering that contracts for crude changed hands at 10 USD/barrel in 1999. With the emergence of China in the global market and its increasing demand for oil, it is projected that unless oil companies are able to increase the world production by investing investment in oil and natural-gas production oil prices could increase exponentially over the next ten (10) years. The obvious factor in determining the supply of oil in the world is the amount of oil that can actually be extracted and processed. Oil is essentially a non-renewable energy source and cannot be replenished once it has been extracted from the ground. The role of oil companies and countries is not in the actual production of oil but in it rationing. A network of scientists called the Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas (ASPO) which is affiliated with a wide array of global institutions and universities studies the depletion rate of oil. ASPO studies concern themselves in determining the date and impact of the peak and decline of the world’s production of oil and gas, due to resource constraints. The ASPO uses the â€Å"Peak Oil Theory† or the â€Å"Hubbert Peak Theory† which is a method of modeling known oil reserves and production rates and routinely used by oil companies to predict future yields of existing oil fields (Legget, 2005). Using this model, it has been projected that the world oil production growth trends, in the short term, have been decreasing over the last 18 months. Average yearly gains in world oil production from 1987 to 2005 were 1. 2 million barrels per day (mbbl/d) (1. 7%). Global production averaged 84. 4 mbbl/d in 2005, up only 0. 2 mbbl/d (0. 2%), from 84. 2 mbbl/d (13. 4 million m? /d) in Q4 2004 (Legget, 2005). ASPO predicts that conventional plus unconventional oil production will peak around 2007 What this data basically means is that the current supplies of oil all over the world are being depleted and newer sources have not yet been discovered. To bring the supply of oil up again, oil companies must invest more in locating more oil fields and also develop new technologies to improve the current refining processes to allow for a more efficient production of oil. This first factor in the supply of oil is basically dependent on the actual amount of oil that can be produced and processed and also considers the capacity of oil companies to refine oil more efficiently and to tap other sources of oil (Deffeyes, 2005). This factor however also heavily depends on the capital investments that oil companies make in the oil industry. One of the main factors which affect the demand for oil is the price of oil. But given the fact that oil is a necessary resource and that it is a non-renewable energy sources, the supply can basically only remain at a certain â€Å"Peak† level depending on the amount which can actually be processed and the demand also remains at a certain level even if oil prices continue to rise (Case, 1999). Ordinarily, if the resources were renewable, there would be perfect elasticity between the supply and the demand in proportion to the increase or change in the price. Therefore, if the price of oil were to increase, it would theoretically result in the demand for oil to decrease (Case, 1999). This assumption however cannot be applied to the case of oil because, as mentioned earlier, oil is a non-renewable resources and remains as the primary source of energy in the world today. This shows the inelastic demand for oil. The reason for this is that since oil remains the main energy source in most countries, the demand for oil will remain constant despite the changes in the price of oil (Case, 1999). While theoretically it is expected that there will be a greater demand for oil if the price decreases, it is important to factor in the fact that more governments around the world are implementing energy saving policies as well as trying to reduce to dependence on oil as an energy source by developing alternative sources of energy (hybrid cars, solar power, hydroelectric power) (Simmons, 2005). The fact that oil is a non-renewable resource must also be considered. The next factor which affects demand for oil is the availability of alternative energy sources which are cheaper (Bilgen, 2004). The presence of substitutes in a market allows the demand for oil to decrease if the price continues to increase (Case, 1999). Before discussing this factor, it is important to remember that the development of alternative energy sources is not in proportion to the increasing rate of demand for oil. The presence of substitutes in a market affects demand because any increase in the price of the commodity means that the consumers have an alternative and can lower their demand for the commodity and purchase the substitute instead (Case, 1999). The same principle applies for oil except that it must be remembered that the development of these substitutes or alternative sources of energy takes a considerably longer amount of time than conventional substitutes. However, under the assumption that there are already alternative sources of energy available in the market, it can be expected that the demand will react accordingly to any increase in the price of oil. The dependence on oil as an energy source will decrease thus reducing the demand for oil in proportion to the price increases (Pimentel, 1998). The challenge remains however for countries and governments to find ways to find alternative energy sources to reduce the world dependence on oil as an energy source and ease the burden that the increasing prices have on the consumer. While the government may effectively regulate its use, the best solution is still in the development of energy substitutes for the market (Pimentel, 1998). Other factors which also have an effect on the demand for oil are things such as the government regulations on the use of fossil fuels, energy saving campaigns and environmental regulations. The government can implement these measures by increasing taxes or imposing fines. The effect that this has on demand is simple. The government regulations effectively reduce demand because the consumers are restricted from buying more oil. By encouraging the implementation of energy saving policies, oil consumption is also greatly decreased thus affecting the demand. The demand for oil therefore is affected by many factors such as price, availability of substitutes, and government intervention in the form of taxes, energy regulations and price controls. References: Bahree, B. (2006) Investment by Oil Industry Stalls November 8, 2006 Wall Street Journal November 2006 Bilgen, S. and Kaygusuz, K. (2004) Renewable Energy for a Clean and Sustainable Future, Energy Sources 26, 1119 Case, K. and Fair, R. (1999). Principles of Economics (5th ed. ). Prentice-Hall Deffeyes, K. (2005). Beyond Oil: The View from Hubberts Peak. Hill and Wang publishing House. Hill and Wang United States Leggett, J. (2005). The Empty Tank: Oil, Gas, Hot Air, and the Coming Financial Catastrophe. Random House. Pimentel, D. (1998). Energy and Dollar Costs of Ethanol Production with Corn Hubbert Center Newsletter, 98/2. M. King Hubbert Center for Petroleum Supply Studies, p. 8. Simmons, M. (2005). Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy. Random House

Monday, October 14, 2019

Winston Churchill As A Leader History Essay

Winston Churchill As A Leader History Essay Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill is an English statesman, orator and writer, the British prime minister in 1940-1945 and 1951-1955 respectively, is a part of the Big Three in many ways by which the modern world is as it really is. Winston Churchill was born November 30, 1874 in the family estate of the Dukes of Marlborough Blenheim Palace.  Churchills father was the Lord Randolph Spencer Churchill, the third son of the 7th Duke of Marlborough, he was a famous politician, member of House of Commons from the Conservative Party, and served as Chancellor of the Exchequer. Mother was a Lady Randolph Churchill, she was the daughter of a wealthy American businessman, as described in A Life.   Churchills father was busy with his political career and his mother, absorbed in secular life, paid little attention to his son.  Since 1875, child care was given to the nurse Elizabeth Ann Everest.  She sincerely loved him and was one of the closest people to Winston Churchill. According to Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill Biography, when Churchill was eight years old, he was sent to prep school St. Georges.  The school practiced corporal punishment and Winston, constantly violated discipline, as it was often subjected.  After regular visits to his nanny, there were found on the body of the boy traces of vice, she immediately told his mother and he was transferred to the school of Nurses Thomson in Brighton.  Academic success, especially after the transfer, was satisfactory, but the certification of the behavior of reads: Number of students per class 13.  Place the 13th In 1889, he was transferred to the army class, where, besides teaching general subjects, students were preparing for a military career.   He graduated from school among the total of 12 students, who were able to withstand the tests in all subjects, and highlights the advances in the study of history.  At Harrow, he was engaged in fencing and achieved notable success, becoming the champion of the school in 1892.   June 28, 1893 Churchill on the third attempt passed the exams to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (the difficulties were with the writing in Latin), one of the most prestigious military schools of the United Kingdom.  Because of low ratings (92 of 102 results), he becomes a cavalry cadet and gets transferred into a more prestigious infantry class due to the fact that several candidates showed the best results, refused admission. On the February 20, 1895 Winston Churchill was awarded with the rank of second lieutenant, as stated in Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill Biography. In the same year he suffered two heavy losses: in January, his father dies, and in July his favorite sitter died of peritonitis. After obtaining military rank, Churchill was enrolled in the Fourth Hussars of Her Majesty. Perhaps, at that moment he realized that his military career was not very attractive: The longer I serve, the more I like to serve, but the more I am convinced that its not for me, he wrote to Lady Randolph in August 16, 1895, as stated in Churchill by Himself: The Life, Times and Opinions of Winston S. Churchill in his Own Words. In 1895, thanks to extensive links to his mother, Churchill was sent to Cuba as a military correspondent for the Daily Schedule newspaper to cover an uprising of local people against the Spaniards, but continued with the number on active duty. Seconded to the Spanish troops, he first was visited by the fire.  The newspaper has published five of his articles, some of which were reprinted by The New York Times. Articles were met favorably by readers, and the fee was 25 guineas, at that time was for Churchills quite a substantial sum.  The Spanish government awarded him with the Medal of the Red Cross, it has given the popularity of Churchills controversial nature, since he led the British press to question the neutrality of the correspondent.  In addition to the awards and literary fame, he has acquired in Cuba two habits that accompanied him throughout his life: smoking Cuban cigars and afternoon breaks siesta.  On the way back to England, Churchill first time visited the Uni ted States, as stated in An Officer and a Bulldog. In October 1896, the regiment was sent to India and houses in Bangalore.  Churchill read a lot, thus attempting to compensate studies for the lack of university education, and became one of the best players on the team regimental polo.  According to the memoirs of subordinates, he conscientiously regarded officers duties and a lot of time to exercises with the soldiers and sergeants, but routine service burden to him twice, he went on vacation in England (including the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the reign of Queen Victoria), he traveled  in India, visiting Calcutta and Hyderabad.   In the autumn of 1897, empty again in the course of his personal connections and the possibilities of his mother, he seeks the secondment to the Expeditionary Corps, to suppress the uprising Pushtun tribes in the mountain area of Malakand in north-west of the country.  This campaign was far more cruel and dangerous than the Cuban.  During the operation, Churchill showed absolute courage, though often the risk was unnecessary, caused by the bravado and not a necessity.  He wrote to his mother: I seek the reputation for courage more than anything else in this world, as described in Churchill by Himself: The Life, Times and Opinions of Winston S. Churchill in his Own Words. Letters from the front line have been published in the Daily Telegraph newspaper and after the campaign had a circulation of 8,500 copies of his book The Story of the Malakand Field Force. Because of the hurried preparations for the printing of the book, were crept into a huge number of typographical errors, Churchill had counted more than 200 spelling errors and since then has always demanded personal rule proofs publishers.   The desire to go to another journalistic assignment has not met the understanding of the command, and he wrote to the Prime Minister, Lord Salisbury, frankly admitting that travelling is motivated as a desire to illuminate a historic moment and opportunity to retrieve personal, including financial benefits from the publication of a book.  As a result, the Military Department approved a request by appointing him to the supernumerary post of lieutenant in the order of the appointment. It was stressed that in case of injury or death, he cannot rely on payments from the funds of the Ministry of Defense. In the pitched battle at Omdurman, Churchill took part in the last cavalry charge of the British Army.  He has described this episode by himself:  I pulled to a trot and rode up to individuals firing my pistol in their faces and killing several three for certain two doubtful one very doubtful, as stated in Churchill by Himself: The Life, Times and Opinions of Winston S. Churchill in his Own Words.   Hes a great general, but nobody has accused him that he was a great gentleman Churchill said about himself in private conversation, apt description, however, quickly became publicly known.  Although the criticism was largely fair, public reaction to it was ambiguous; the position of publicist and ill accuser was combined with official duty junior officer.   After the end of the campaign Churchill returned to India to take part in national polo tournament.  During a brief stop in England on several occasions he speaks at a rally conservatives.  Almost immediately after the tournament, which his team won, defeating the stubborn final match, In March 1899 he resigned.   By the time Churchills resignation became known in some circles as a journalist, and his book was about the Sudan campaign The River War, became a bestseller. The first attempt to take a seat in the House of Commons had not been successful; there were no fault of Churchill himself: county was dominated by nonconformists. Churchill during the campaign expressed his disagreement with the law, but it had no effect, and both mandates from Oldham have got the liberals, as stated in A Life.     Second English-Boer War (1899-1902). By the autumn of 1899, relations with the Boer republics became worse, and when in September the Transvaal and the Orange Republic rejected the British proposal to grant voting rights of British workers in the gold mines, it became apparent that war was inevitable.   In September 1899, owners of the Daily Mail asked Churchill to go to South Africa as a military correspondent.  Without giving any answer, he reported it to the editor of the Morning Post, for which he worked during the Sudan campaign, and he was offered a monthly salary of 250 pounds plus reimbursement of all expenses.  It was a very significant amount (about 8,000 pounds today) more than ever a journalist was offered and Churchill agreed immediately.  He departed from England on October 14, two days after the war started, as described in Winston Churchill: Soldier, Statesman, Artist. On November 15 1899, Churchill went on a reconnaissance raid on an armored train, which was commanded by Captain Haldane, his friend in Malakand.  Soon an armored train was fired upon by Boers artillery.  When a person tried to escape from the fire at a high speed, reverse composition crashed into boulders, that blocked the path of the enemy to cut off the retreat.  The repair platform and two armored wagons derailed, the only instrument which has become immobile armored train was incapacitated by a direct hit. Churchill volunteered to command the clearing of paths; Haldane tried to establish a defense and to cover workers.  According to eyewitnesses, Churchill acted courageously under fire, but when the road was cleared, it turned out that the coupling of the remaining wagons on the track was killed off by a shell, and the only thing left Haldane Immerse in the engine severely injured to send them to the rear.  Around 50 Britons still face many times superior enemy forces .  As Churchill himself wrote, the Boers attacked with a courage equal to humanity, urging the enemy to surrender. Haldane and the soldiers were taken as prisoners.  Churchill attempted to flee but was detained in cavalry drills, and placed in a prisoners camp, hosted by the State exemplary school in Pretoria, as stated in An Officer and a Bulldog. On December 12, 1899 Churchill escaped from the camp.  Two other members of the escape Haldane and Sergeant Major Brookie did not manage to get across the fence unnoticed by the guards, and Churchill, while waiting for them in the bushes on the opposite side of the wall.  He was subsequently charged with the fact that he left his comrades, but there is no evidence for this. He jumped on the freight train, he got to Uitbank, where he was within a few days hiding in the mine, and then helped smuggle a train across the front line, said a mining engineer Daniel Devsnap.  For the capture of Winston Churchill Boers was offered reward of 25 pounds.   Escape from captivity made him famous, he received several offers to run for parliament, including a telegram from Oldhams voters, promising to give him his vote regardless of political affiliation, but Churchill chose to stay in the army, he was promoted to lieutenant of the Light Brigade  without pay, while continuing to work as a special correspondent of the Morning Post.  He had been in many battles, for his courage during the battle of Diamond Hill, the last operation, in which he participated, General Hamilton introduced him to the Victoria Cross, but progress in this representation was not received, as Churchill at the time resigned, as stated in Winston Churchill: Soldier, Statesman, Artist. In July 1900, Churchill returned to England again soon, and announced his candidacy from Oldham. He had a reputation of the hero and easily  beat a candidate from the Liberals and in 26 years, first became a member of the House of Commons.  In the elections the Conservatives won the majority and became the ruling party.   On February 18, 1901 he delivered his first speech in the House of Commons on the postwar settlement in South Africa.  He called for clemency to help Boer accept defeat.   On this conflict, young parliamentarians from Churchills own party werent agreeing.  In 1902-1903 years he has repeatedly expressed its disagreement on the issues of free trade (Churchill opposed the introduction of import duties on grain) and colonial policies. Against this background, his transition into the Liberal Party on the 31 of May 1904 looked quite a logical step.  On December 12, 1905 Winston Churchill was appointed Deputy Minister for the Colonies in Campbell-Bannermans government; in this capacity he was involved in the elaboration of a constitution for the defeated Boer republics, as described in Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill Biography. In April 1908, in connection with the sharply deteriorating health of Campbell-Bannerman becomes unable to perform the duties of prime minister and cabinet had a number of permutations: Herbert Asquith, who served as Chancellor of the Exchequer becomes Prime Minister, then his place is taken by David Lloyd George, former Minister of Trade and  industry, and this post on April 12, receives Churchill.  Ã‚  Lloyd George and Churchill advocated a reduction in public and in particular in military spending.  Their efforts do not always lead to success. Churchill was a staunch supporter of social reform undertaken by the Asquith Cabinet. In 1908, he became the initiator of the law on minimum wage.  The law was adopted by an overwhelming majority for the first time in England with the sets of the rules of the hours and wages.   On February 14, 1910 at the age of 35 Churchill became Minister of Internal Affairs, occupying one of the most influential posts in the country.  Ministerial salary was 5000 pounds (about $200 thousand in the modern equivalent). He left a literary career, returning to that occupation only in 1923.   Tenure as minister has been one of the most difficult and controversial steps in the political career of Winston Churchill.  This period was marked by massive demonstrations of workers.  Churchills actions on taming disorder repeatedly subjected to severe criticism from all sides of the political spectrum, moreover, as interior minister he was responsible, even in cases where the person does not interfere.   In summer 1911, there was a strike of seafarers and port workers.  In August there were riots in Liverpool.  August 14 Marines from the warship Antrim, arrived in town on the orders of Winston Churchill, soldiers opened fire on the crowd and eight people were wounded.  On the 15th, he was able to meet with leaders of the striking Dockers and defuse the situation in London, but on August 19, the strike threatened to join the railway.  In a situation where in the cities, paralyzed by strikes and riots have a shortage of food, and the probability of rebellion is threatening, Churchill mobilized 50 thousand soldiers and repealed a provision under which the army can only be imposed at the request of the local civil authorities.  By August 20, through the intermediary of Lloyd Georges threat of a general strike was averted.  Churchill said in a telephone conversation with Lloyd George: I am very sorry to learn about it.  It would be better to continue and give them a good thr ashing, as described in Churchill by Himself: The Life, Times and Opinions of Winston S. Churchill in his Own Words. However, relations with Germany were worsening. Churchill was persuaded to address the issues of foreign policy.  Of ideas and information obtained from military professionals, Churchill drew up a memorandum on the military aspects of the continental problem and handed it to the Prime Minister.  This document has been a success.  He testified that Churchill, having a modest military education, which gave him a school of cavalry officers, was able to quickly and professionally investigate a number of important military issues.  In October 1911, Prime Minister Asquith invited Churchill as First Lord of the Admiralty, and on October 23, he was officially appointed to the  position.   Formally, the transition to the Admiralty has been decreasing Minister of Internal Affairs  was considered one of the three most important government agencies.  Nevertheless, Churchill accepted the offer without hesitation. Navy has always been one of the most important instruments of British geopolitics, in this period it had one of the major upgrades in its history.   Naval arms race that began at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, accelerated after the launching of the first dreadnought in 1906. First time there was a situation where the superiority of the British Navy, both quantitatively and qualitatively, began to threaten not only the traditional rivals Germany  and France, but also the United States.   The cost of the naval forces was the largest cost-article of British budget.  Churchill was asked to carry out reforms while improving cost effectiveness.  Changes initiated by them were very ambitious: organized Chief of Naval Staff established a naval air force, designed and built warships of new types.  Thus, according to initial plans, shipbuilding program in 1912 was supposed to build 4 improved types the battleship class Iron Duke.  However, the new First Lord of the Admiralty ordered the redraft of the main fire less than 15 inches, despite the fact that the design work to create such weapons has not even been completed.  The result was the very successful type of battleships Queen Elizabeth, which served Britain until 1948.   One of the most important decisions was the transfer of the navy from coal to liquid fuel.  Despite the obvious advantages, navy for a long time opposed the move, for strategic reasons quite rich in coal Britain had no oil reserves.  In order to transfer the fleet of oil was possible for Churchill to initiate the allocation of 2.2 million pounds to acquire 51% of English-Iranian Oil Company.  Apart from the purely technical aspects, the decision had far-reaching political consequences the Persian Gulf regions have become a zone of strategic interests of Britain.   Britain has officially entered the First World War on August 3. Churchill ordered the fleet to run for their positions off the coast of England. On October 5 Churchill arrived in Antwerp, where personally led the defense of the city, which the Belgian government offered to surrender to Germans.  Despite all efforts, the city fell on October 10, and 2,500 soldiers were killed.  Churchill was accused of undue waste of resources and lives, although many noted that the defense of Antwerp helped to keep Calais and Dunkirk, as stated in Churchill and War. As chair of the Commission on land ships (English Landships Committee) Churchill took part in the development of the first tank and the creation of tank forces.   In 1915, he became one of the initiators of the Dardanelles operation, which ended disastrously for the Allied forces and caused a government crisis.  Responsibility for the fiasco Churchill largely took over, and when he was forming a new coalition government, the Conservatives demanded his resignation from his post as First Lord of the Admiralty.   On November 15 1915, he resigned and went to the Western Front, where as a colonel commanded the 6th Battalion of the Royal Scottish Fusiliers.  In December 1915, Major Churchill arrived in Flanders.  He became the biggest attraction of the front.  People everywhere flocked to see the former Minister of soiled clay helmet.  But Churchill was carrying his service as all.  The only luxury he allowed himself hiking bath at the command post. Subordinates loved him.  The Times quoted one of Corporal: Churchill moved among his troops on the front line as if walking on the sidelines of the lower house of parliament. We have often discussed his composure, and everyone admired him.  However, the long Churchill in the trenches not sat through and not because of the danger: his concern was their own isolation from London, as stated in An Officer and a Bulldog. In May 1916, he handed over the command and finally returned to England.  In July 1917, he was appointed a Minister of weapons and in January 1919 a Minister of War and Minister of Aviation.  He became one of the architects of Ten Year Rule the doctrine that the military construction and military budget should plan on the basis of the installation that England will not engage in major conflicts within ten years after the war.   Churchill was one of the main supporters and the main initiators of the intervention in Russia, stating the need to strangle communism in its cradle.  Although the intervention was not approved by the support of Prime Minister Churchill, due to the tactics of political maneuvering among the various factions in the government and prolong the time, managed to delay the withdrawal of British troops from Russia until 1920. At the end of World War I, Churchill was in the status of Secretary of State for Military Affairs, held a series of reforms in 1918-21, respectively.  Catching up in the years 1921-22 issue of the colonies of Great Britain, he was directly involved in the creation of some Arab countries in solving the issue of establishing a Jewish state in the Middle East (as part of the mandate given by the League of Nations, Britain for Palestine). During these years Churchills political leanings were strongly anti-socialist, he nevertheless maintained Liberal party platform.  His proposal to use troops against the Soviet Union led to a cooling of relations with Lloyd George, who appointed lord-treasurer, Robert Horn, by passing Churchill. However, in 1923, Churchill returned to the bosom of the Conservative Party, followed by instant his appointment to this post, as described in Winston Churchills War Leadership. Since 1930, Winston Churchill was out of politics, but in September 1939, with the start of World War II, under the pressure of public opinion, he was again appointed the First Lord of the Admiralty.  Chamberlains resignation in May 1940, as Prime Minister of Great Britain, led the appointing place to Churchill.  In his first speech in the status of prime minister in the House of Commons, which was held immediately after the French surrender to Nazi Germany, Churchill made it clear that Britain does not intend to compromise: You ask, what is our aim? My answer is simple victory victory at any  price, victory over terror, victory, a long and painful it may be.  For Churchill did not exist even the possibility of negotiating with Hitler. Until the United States entered the war, Churchill was going to fight alone. The basis of his strategy was in bombing Germany and the concentration of British forces in the Mediterranean and the Middle East regions.  Both positions were supported by the U.S. after the Japanese bombing of a military base at Pearl Harbor. Churchill was needed in the U.S. aid both economically and military.  Lend-Lease program significantly supported Britain, however, total U.S. control of the British economy has deprived Britain during the war of some economic independence.  Nevertheless, Churchill was interested in close cooperation with U.S. and even dreamed of the closest in history alliance.  This cooperation was confirmed by the Atlantic Charter in August 1941.  Later the Soviet Union joined the alliance completing the creation of the Big Three.  After the war, close relationship of Allied anti-Hitler coalition came to naught.  Moreover, Churchill is the author of the term Iron Curtain, as described in Churchill and War. After Germanys surrender, England began to prepare for the elections, which passed in July 1945.  Election campaign was won by Labor, Churchill resigned.  For six years he was the leader of the opposition, calling on European leaders not to be influenced by the Soviet Union. In 1951, Churchill returned to 10 Downing Street, the official residence of British Prime Minister.  In this capacity, he pursued a policy of support for NATO and the European Union.  Churchill did not neglect the social sphere, conducted through the Parliament laws, such as the nationalization of the railways, the Royal Bank of Scotland etc, as described in Winston Churchills War Leadership. In 1953, Winston Churchill was knighted and received the Nobel Prize for literature, and ten years later he was made an honorary U.S. citizen. In 1955, Churchill moved away from high politics, and had lived in peace for ten years. On January 24, 1965, the greatest man of the century was gone.  Winston Churchill was buried in his native Oxfordshire. Winston Churchill entered the history of Britain as the most brilliant English politician of the twentieth century, who was in power during the reign of six monarchs from Queen Victoria to her great-great-granddaughter Elizabeth II.  He was present during testing of the nuclear bomb, has become a major threat to postwar peace.  With his bowler hat and cane unchanged Churchill was a brilliant diplomat, artist and even a gardener in his estate at Chartwell.  Ã‚  Churchill was one of the best orators of his time. He was the author of the term Iron Curtain, which became characteristic of the capacious postwar political situation.  Churchill also was one of the most ingenious in his time.  Lady Astor once told him: If you were my husband, I would poison your coffee, to which Churchill replied: If you were my wife, I would drink it. It is very difficult to estimate the scale of such person as Winston Churchill. There is no one in the world whose fate he did not indirectly affect, such a large scale is Winston Churchills identity. According to a survey conducted in 2002, the broadcaster BBC has been named Churchill the greatest Briton in history. During all his life he always showed incredible courage and indomitable will-power. When it seemed that the situation was hopeless he believed in and was going to win in spite of all difficulties, moreover, he successfully led the people and the whole nation to victory. He was a leader, a real leader and patriot of his country. His country can be proud for such son, who was named Winston Spencer Churchill.